Notre gamme de postes CB, Emetteur récepteur CB AM FM BLU / SSB, Fixe mobile et portableNotre gamme de postes radio émetteur récepteur. I used to love dropping into Dick Smith’s as a youngster and checking out all the cool electronic gear, I love Dick Smith, I wish he was our Prime Minister. Vous trouverez ici notre offre de postes portatifs, mobiles et fixes destinés aux radio-amateurs dans les bandes HF, VHF, UHF et SHF. Secret CB Magazines – All 29 volumes of the secret CB Magazines from 1977 to 1990, CB Radio publications – S9 Magazines, Popular Communications and heaps more CB Magazines. If anyone knows which edition it was let me know as I haven’t come across it as yet. Vous trouverez ici notre offre de postes mobiles et portatifs CB 27MHz AM, AM/FM, AM/FM/BLU. Vous pouvez vous désinscrire à tout moment. Topics: CB, Citizens' Band, magazine, electronics, rf, antenna, mic, rig, breaker & commutateurs pour l'electronique. Hey we’ve all aged a bit since then so I guess most of them aren’t wearing bikinis now days. Cobra 29LX Professional CB Radio - Emergency Radio, Travel Essentials, NOAA Weather Channels and Emergency Alert System, Selectable 4-Color LCD, Auto-Scan and Radio Check 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,311 $149.95 $ 149 . If anyone out there has any old CB Action that they want to sell then PLEASE drop us an email via our contact page. This amazing magazine was produced from the 1960’s into the 1980’s and we’ve scanned a large number of issues for you to enjoy! En HF, VHF, UHF, Bi bande, multi bande.À usage Radio Amateur, ou autre, voyage, 4x4 , suivant règlementation. Vous trouverez ici notre offre d'antennes HF, CB, VHF, UHF pour une utilisation en portatif, mobile à bord d'un véhicule ou fixe sur un bâtiment. CB Radio magazine from UK. They were $1-00 per issue and initially there was 12 issues per year or monthly editions. How good would the country be if he was running the show. I keep hearing that the Boost Juice woman “Janine Allis” was once on the cover of a CB Action Magazine. It included articles by authors like Tom Kneitel, Dan Stoner, Herb Friedman, Lee Aurick, Ed Noll, Len Buckwalter and others. These issues run from November 1987 to March 1991 (not every issue). Vous trouverez pour cela nos informations de contact dans les conditions d'utilisation du site. CB Magazine Links. Uniden 40-Channel CB Radio with SSB USB-LSB and Noise Canceling Microphone - BEARCAT980SSB. The magazine's content included basic electronics, equipment reviews and … Funny now that I look back through my collection I realise that half of the content was ads. Zenders & ontvangers BASIS MOBIEL PORTOFOON Portofoon: Opties & toebehoren Opties & Toebehoren Antennes UHF - VHF HF END-FED 's YAGI Optibeam MFJ PKW ... CB - 27MHz Antennes - BASIS Antenne - MOBIEL Zenders Accessoires PMR 446 4G / LTE Scanners Accessoires Diversen. Amateur Radio. Back in the late 70’s there was nothing better than cruising down to the local newsagent to pick up the latest edition of this legendary magazine. En HF, VHF, UHF, Bi bande, multi bande.À usage Radio Amateur, ou autre, voyage, 4x4 , suivant règlementation. A propos de notre boutique de Talkie walkie et Radio CB VHF UHF. TANDY Electronique c'est une gamme d'accessoires CB , cibi, de qualitée et tout le matériel pour la radio communication de loisirs ou professionnelle VHF et UHF. CB Radio Magazine 818 likes. Who remembers the old CB Action Magazines? 45 Reviews. Over 1,000,000 webpages viewed! CB Magazines – Citizens Band Magazine apparently was the leading English ( Pommy ) radio communications magazine during the 1980s.. Secret CB Magazines – All 29 volumes of the secret CB Magazines from 1977 to 1990. The same comments were made about what the cover girls possibly looked like now. Vous trouverez ici notre offre d'accessoires destinés aux postes et antennes CB & Radio-Amateurs (HAM). S9 Magazine was founded by Cowan Publishing to serve the rapidly growing CB enthusiast market. CB Radio publications – S9 Magazines, Popular Communications and heaps more CB Magazines Notre gamme de postes CB, Emetteur récepteur CB AM FM BLU / SSB, Fixe mobile et portableNotre gamme de postes radio émetteur récepteur. Accessoires pour detecteur de métaux GARRETT, Pièces Détachées pour detecteurs de metaux x'plorer, Accessoires, Antenne & divers pour vhf et uhf, cellule, aiguille, diamant pour platine disque vinyle, Inter. Il n'y a aucun produit dans cette catégorie. Over the coming months I will attempt to scan and upload all of the CB Action covers both as thumbnails and full size images so you can print them out or even just reminisce over them. CB Magazines – Citizens Band Magazine apparently was the leading English ( Pommy ) radio communications magazine during the 1980s. The only online CB Radio magazine in the world! I recently read a post on a Whirlpool forum about CB Radios and Electronic gadgets and someone mentioned the CB Action models. 95 CB Secret Archives Focus on modifications, tuning, and other fun tricks, the CB Secret archives has a full range of modifications for your older CB Radios! Have any of you ever wondered what the old CB Action cover girl models are up to now and even what they look like? Oh well at least even the ads had that cool retro look to them and how cool were the old Dick Smith ads. Scanned on Fujitsu ix500 document scanner and OCR'ed. TANDY Electronique c'est une gamme d'accessoires CB , cibi, de qualitée et tout le matériel pour la radio communication de loisirs ou professionnelle VHF et UHF. En soumettant ce formulaire, j'accepte que les informations saisies soient exploitées dans le cadre de ma demande d'inscription à la réception de la lettre d'information. Vous trouverez ici notre offre de récepteurs / scanners radio analogiques.
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