Their fate is not known. Antony still had adherents in Rome, however quiet they were at this point, and it is never good public relations to kill children. Cleopatra Selene lost her new husband in 95 BC and married a final time to Antiochus IX's son Antiochus X, who disappeared from the records and is presumed to have died in 92 BC, but may have remained in power until 89/88 BC (224 SE (Seleucid year)). [57][58] Antioch was taken by Demetrius III then Philip I. Cependant, la date de son décès ne peut être déterminée avec certitude. [33] Cleopatra III and Ptolemy X conquered Ptolemais, and according to Justin, the king, shocked by his mother's cruelty, abandoned her and ran away; Cleopatra III then decided to marry Cleopatra Selene to Antiochus VIII,[36] as a step to bring Antiochus VIII to her side in order to counter an alliance between Ptolemy IX and Antiochus IX. [41] The manner in which Antiochus IX took control of Antioch and his new wife in 95 BC is not clear; he could have taken the city by force or it could be that Cleopatra Selene herself opened the gates for him. Cléopâtre Séléné II, parfois appelée Cléopâtre VIII, née le 25 décembre 40 av. [92] Cleopatra Selene is the most suitable candidate; among several arguments in favor of Cleopatra Selene, Bennett noted that Berenice III was called by Cicero a sister of Ptolemy XI. Le mariage a probablement eu lieu en 25 avant JC et a été commémoré dans une épigramme qui survit dans son intégralité: Grandes régions voisines du monde, qui divise le Nil, The Romans generally accepted Ptolemy XII as legitimate. Ptolemy IX might have married Cleopatra IV while a prince ruling. The family then returned to Egypt much to Octavian’s chagrin. The situation between Antony, Cleopatra and Octavian boiled over into open conflict. Cléopâtre Séléné est enterrée avec son époux Juba II dans une tombe monumentale appelée le « tombeau de la Chrétienne ». Cléopâtre Séléné est enterrée avec son époux Juba II dans une tombe monumentale appelée le « tombeau de la Chrétienne. Édifié sur plan circulaire, il est constitué d'un tambour massif et monumental orné de soixante demi-colonnes d'ordre ionique et coiffé d'un tumulus en maçonnerie qui initialement devait soit être planté d'arbres soit orné de statues et autres éléments architecturaux disparus depuis longtemps. Si tel est le cas, la corrélation astronomique peut alors être utilisée pour aider à déterminer la date de sa mort: les éclipses lunaires se sont produites en 9, 8, 5 et 1 avant JC et en 3, 7, 10, 11 et 14 après JC. [48], In 218 SE (95/94 BC), Antiochus X, the son of Antiochus IX, proclaimed himself king in Arados,[48] and married Cleopatra Selene. [92], Identifying Antiochus X and Cleopatra Selene's children is problematic; Cicero wrote that the queen had two sons, one of them named Antiochus. "roi Juba". After a turbulent life, Cleopatra Selene died in 5 or 6 CE. Le tombeau possède quatre portes monumentales disposées aux quatre points cardinaux, dont trois fausses-portes et une seule donnant réellement accès à la galerie interne. Au moment où Octave arriva en Égypte à l'été 30 av. Cleopatra Selene II ruled as Queen of Mauretania for around two decades, and during that time she seems to have taken to her duties with aplomb. [20] As a queen of Syria, she was the second to rule with the name 'Cleopatra'. Ces bâtiments comprenaient un phare dans le style de Pharos d'Alexandrie dans le port , un palais royal situé en front de mer et de nombreux temples dédiés aux divinités romaines et égyptiennes . Eventually, in 40 BCE, Antony went back to Rome to marry Octavia and try to forge a peace with her brother, Octavian. [note 7][65], Based on the evidence of the coins depicting her alongside her ruling son, it appears that Cleopatra Selene acted as the regent. There are some indications that Octavia encouraged the match, so it is possible she sensed feelings between the two. J.-C. en Égypte , fille unique du pharaon Cléopâtre VII . According to Josephus, "those that held Damascus" invited Aretas III, King of the Nabataeans, to rule them because they feared Ptolemy (son of Mennaeus), king of the Iturea. What we do know is the pair were married and made client king and queen of Mauretania. [54] The last evidence for the reign of Antiochus X is dated to 92 BC;[55] he is generally assumed to have died at around this date. Burgess suggested that Cleopatra Selene minted coinage in the names of both Antiochus XIII and his brother. Aucun membre du site ne veut actuellement l'échanger. [10] Cleopatra Selene had many siblings, including Ptolemy IX, Ptolemy X, and Cleopatra IV. Elle a été nommée chef de la Cyrénaïque et de la Libye . Hence, she is termed "Cleopatra II Selene" to differentiate her from her predecessor and aunt Cleopatra I Thea,[note 2][22] who was the mother of Cleopatra Selene's husbands Antiochus VIII and Antiochus IX. [63] With the throne of Antiochus XII vacant, Cleopatra Selene declared her son Antiochus XIII king. [16] The ancient Near East was ruled by successive dynasties whose monarchs claimed the title of Great King, i.e. Leurs produits comprenaient du poisson, du raisin, des perles, des figues, du grain, des meubles en bois et du colorant violet récolté à partir de crustacés. [77] Oliver D. Hoover suggested that Tigranes II invaded Syria only in 74 BC, with Philip I ruling until 75 BC in Northern Syria, allowing Cleopatra Selene and Antiochus XIII to claim the country unopposed for a while. However, Octavian did not kill them. J.-C. et morte v. 5 de notre ère, est la fille de Cléopâtre VII et de Marc Antoine et la sœur jumelle d'Alexandre Hélios.Elle est, avec Juba II, souveraine de Maurétanie césarienne et s'établit à Césarée de Maurétanie (actuelle Cherchell en Algérie) où elle meurt vers l'an 5 ap. [17] Selene was the name of the Greek moon goddess and it is connected to the word selas (σέλας), meaning "light". One more humiliation was left to the children. Toutefois, l'identité de tous ceux qui ont été enterrés dans ce mausolée n'est pas connue. Cléopâtre devint régent pour son fils Ptolémée VII après la mort de son père en 145 et l'année suivante, il épouse son autre frère Ptolémée VIII Evergète II « Fiscone ». J.-C. Zénobie, reine de Palmyre, retrace son ascendance jusqu'à eux. enflé de l'Éthiopie noire, se divise, Princesse du royaume lagide d’Égypte elle est née le 25 décembre -40, jumelle d’ Alexandre Hélios. "reine Cléopâtre". La Mauritanie est un vaste territoire, mais manque d'organisation. While her life was relatively short and her legacy obscured by the smudged lens of history, it's clear that Cleopatra the younger walked powerfully in her mother's footsteps. The numismatist Arthur Houghton suggested the year 97 BC for Antiochus VIII's assassination because the coins of his son, The age of Selene raised questions amongst modern historians; it is known that the queen bore two children for Antiochus X, and. Cet indice, entre 0 et 100, est calculé en fonction des collections des membres de Numista. [64] Many of those coins have been found,[note 8][68] and they depict Antiochus XIII in the background and herself in the foreground, in the style of a queen regnant,[69] where Cleopatra Selene's name is written before that of the king's. Cléopâtre Séléné II, parfois appelée Cléopâtre VIII, née le 25 décembre 40 av. On pense traditionnellement qu'elle était vivante pour les frapper, mais cela signifierait que son mari a épousé la princesse Glaphyra de Cappadoce du vivant de Selene. [note 6][50] Antiochus X pushed Seleucus VI out of Antioch in 94 BC and ruled northern Syria and Cilicia,[49][53] while Seleucus VI's brothers Philip I and Demetrius III ruled Beroea and Damascus respectively. [70] Her children probably remained in Cilicia or somewhere else in Asia Minor for protection, which would explain Antiochus XIII's nickname, "Asiaticus".[69]. [109] Berenice III was mentioned as a mother of Ptolemy XI in a Demotic text, but the Egyptian word used to denote a "son" can also mean a step son, which is the meaning preferred by most scholars for the word in the text mentioning Berenice III as a mother of Ptolemy XI. Cette hypothèse semble la plus probable étant donné les dates de naissances données aux enfants de Cléopâtre Séléné dont Drusilla née en 5 av. [35] The queen mother feared an alliance against her between Ptolemy IX and his friend Antiochus IX of Syria, who was fighting a civil war with his brother Antiochus VIII; this led her to send troops to Syria. Cleopatra Selene stayed in Rome until her marriage at fifteen or sixteen to Juba II. Cleopatra II Selene (Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Σελήνη; c. between 135 and 130 – 69 BC) was the monarch of Syria from 82 to 69 BC. The Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt were the closest relatives of the Seleucids and their legitimate successors; Cleopatra VII of Egypt used the name of Cleopatra Selene for her daughter Cleopatra Selene of Mauretania, born 40 BC; this can be viewed in the context of Cleopatra VII's attempts to claim the Seleucid succession rights in the East. Temples, lighthouses, and palaces were built in the modern Roman style, which attracted cultural and political luminaries from around the empire. Un indice proche de 100 indique que la pièce ou le billet est rare parmi les membres de Numista, tandis qu'un indice proche de 0 indique que la pièce ou le billet est plutôt courant. [10] In 107 BC, the relationship between Ptolemy IX and his mother deteriorated;[32] Cleopatra III forced him out of Egypt, and he left his wife and children behind. [47] In the view of historian Auguste Bouché-Leclercq, Cleopatra Selene had little reason to trust the five sons of her previous husband;[41] the queen needed an ally who would help her control the capital while Antiochus IX needed a wife and Cleopatra Selene's influence over the city's garrison and her late husband's officials. In 31 BCE, Antony and Cleopatra lost a major naval battle at Actium. Cleopatra Selene in the elephant crown of Mauretania Photo Credit – Google Image. Le couple a gouverné la Mauritanie pendant près de deux décennies jusqu'à la mort de Cléopâtre à l'âge de 35 ans. The succession of Cleopatra Selene and Antiochus XIII in the aftermath of Antiochus XII's death is not mentioned by ancient literary sources and is reconstructed using numismatic evidence. [7] Those intermarriages helped Egypt destabilize Syria which was especially fragmented between different claimants to the throne;[8] brothers fought between themselves and Egypt interfered by supporting one claimant against the other. There are some reports of a third child, but it is not known for sure. Si ce poème n'est pas simplement une licence littéraire, la mort de Selene semble avoir ironiquement coïncidé avec une éclipse lunaire . Vous avez créé des rois communs pour les deux par le mariage, faisant une race d'Égyptiens et de Libyens. Elle a importé de nombreux conseillers, érudits et artistes importants de la cour royale de sa mère à Alexandrie pour servir à Césarée. A poem by Crinagoras of Mytilene describes Cleopatra Selene as having died during a lunar eclipse. When the Romans ended the Seleucid dynasty in 64 BC, they attempted to simply replace the Syrian monarchs as an imperial authority, but the political reality of Rome as a republic meant that its legitimacy in the East was questioned. Cleopatra Selene II (Greek:η Κλεοπάτρα Σελήνη, 25 December 40 BC-6), also known as Cleopatra VIII of Egypt or Cleopatra VIII was a Ptolemaic Princess and was the only daughter to Greek Ptolemaic queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. [87] Others see Cleopatra Selene as a pawn in political schemes who later evolved into a schemer in her own right, one who decided her actions effectively based on her own benefit. Pendant leur règne, le pays est devenu extrêmement riche . Que les enfants des rois détiennent à leur tour de leurs pères une règle forte sur les deux pays. If Octavian was anything, he was a master at public relations. [27] Shortly after his elevation,[28] Cleopatra III forced Ptolemy IX to divorce Cleopatra IV,[29] his sister whom he had married before their father's death;[30] the 2nd-century historian Justin implied that Cleopatra III made this a condition of accepting him as co-ruler. Since Cleopatra had killed herself, she deprived Octavian of marching her in his triumph. Niels Breitenstein, Willy Schwabacher; 1942. She married Juba II of Mauretania and ruled alongside her husband. [34] In 103 BC, Ptolemy IX was fighting in Judea. [31] Cleopatra Selene, favoured by her mother Cleopatra III, was chosen as the new queen consort in 115 BC. [86] Historian John D. Grainger explained Tigranes II's action as a consequence of Cleopatra Selene's political importance; she was a winning card in the hands of her husbands, and Tigranes II sought to deny other ambitious men from acquiring influence through her. fille de Cléopâtre VII et Marc Antoine et la sœur jumelle d'Alexandre Hélios, Dernière modification le 14 juillet 2020, à 16:57, Articles sur quelques grandes reines et princesses d'Égypte,éopâtre_Séléné_II&oldid=172905045, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Cléopâtre laissa dans le deuil son mari et leur fils Ptolémée, qui dirigèrent ensemble la Mauritanie jusqu'à la mort de Juba en 23. For the daughter of Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Mark Antony, see, Jugate bronze coin depicting Cleopatra Selene in the foreground with her son Antiochus XIII in the background, Some years in the article are given according to the. Leur jeune frère, Ptolémée Philadelphos , est né un an plus tard. [60] The 1st-century historian Josephus wrote of "Selene ... who ruled in Syria",[68] indicating her continued influence despite her never controlling the capital Antioch. La promotion de l'architecture par Cléopâtre marque une transition entre le style hellénistique et romain. [59], Cleopatra Selene's location during the reign of Antiochus X's successors in Antioch is unknown. Likewise, Philip I could not have been alive since Antiochus XIII went to Rome without having to assert his right to Syria. Later that year, the twins were born- Alexander Helios (Sun) and Cleopatra Selene (Moon). M. Coltelloni-Trannoy avance le même argument et note également la disparition de toutes les images liées à Cléopâtre Séléné II sur ces pièces à cette date[3]. Cléopâtre Sélène est née vers 40 av. Cleopatra Selene controlled several coastal towns until Tigranes II besieged her in 69 BC in Ptolemais; the Armenian king captured the queen and later executed her. Reine de Maurétanie, Cléopâtre VIII exerce alors une certaine influence sur la politique de Juba II notamment en ce qui concerne les arts, les lettres et l'architecture, faisant de leur capitale Césarée, l'actuelle Cherchell en Algérie, une vaste cité prospère et dotée de monuments dignes des grandes capitales du monde antique d'alors. A year later, Ptolemy Philadelphos was born. Pendant son triomphe , il a fait défiler les jumeaux habillés comme la lune et le soleil dans de lourdes chaînes dorées, derrière une effigie de leur mère serrant une aspe à son bras. Coins with Juba II and Cleopatra Selene Photo Credit – Wikipedia. Cleopatra Selene II: The truth about Cleopatra's daughter, © 2020 "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress– The Rise and Fall of Cleopatra II Selene, Seleukid Queen of Syria", "A Revised Chronology for the Late Seleucids at Antioch (121/0-64 BC)", "The Silver Mint of Damascus under Demetrius III and Antiochus XII (97/6 BC-83/2 BC)", "The Reigns of Antiochus VIII and Antiochus IX at Damascus", "Numismatic Evidence For A New Seleucid King: Seleucus (VII) Philometor", One of Cleopatra Selene and Antiochus XIII's jugate coins,, Monarchs imprisoned and detained during war, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Césarion est allé en Inde , mais en cours de route il a été trahi par son tuteur, intercepté par les forces romaines et exécuté. [78] They returned to Syria in 240 SE (73/72 BC);[79] the brothers claimed the throne of Egypt based on their mother's birthright. It could have been natural causes, but Octavian was not above getting his hands dirty and was notoriously cautious. In any case, marrying Cleopatra Selene to a Roman would have been politically dangerous as a Roman grandson of Antony could rise to challenge Octavian. Certains spécialistes proposent l'an 5 de notre ère[1]. J.-C., jumelle d'Alexandre Hélios. Tension between the king and his mother grew and ended with his expulsion fr… [85] Those accounts seem to contradict each other, but in the view of the seventeenth century historian William Whiston, they do not, since Josephus does not mention that Tigranes II captured the queen in Ptolemais.
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