Posted on 29 septembre 2020 par thomas. JAMIE HANCOCK With the small crew of talented locals and visiting pros we managed to score a couple of fun days. Thomas, Boujmaa and Jamie had left their wives and babies at home to come here, we kind of knew this could be our last trip of the year, even if there was another storm next week in Europe, they had all burnt their credit. We use cookies to improve your experience. As the day went on the swell kept getting bigger and bigger. Matinaux en ce jour du 28 décembre, Julien Flechet et Jean-Christophe Le Gal n’ont écouté que leur courage (ou leur folie au choix) afin de se frotter à la fameuse vague de l’Île aux Vaches dans la baie d’Audierne dans le Finistère en Bretagne, le tout dans 45 nœuds de … “ I’ve been checking this spot for a few years and this was the best day I’d ever seen.”, Arcwind Ltd No conditions at home he told me! For 2019 ‘The Windsurf Project’ has partnered with Bridgestone Tyres. MATÉRIEL UTILISÉ : – Sony FS5 + 18-105 / Sony A7SII + 24-70/ DJI Ronin S / trépied Manfrotto, En continuant à utiliser le site, vous acceptez l’utilisation des cookies. Luke was ready to jump in the water and James was a second cameraman, allowing me the flexibility to get some drone footage if possible. Rip Curl Windsurfing Pro Tour Ile Aux Vaches: la vidéo!!! Thomas Traversa à l'Île aux Vaches, article publié sur le 03/01/2020. Spot breton bien connu des amoureux de la planche à voile, l'Ile aux Vaches avait décidé ce jour-là de faire honneur aux trois riders, qui ont pu naviguer avec passion et … The sun was out and the boys put on the best display of wave sailing I’ve seen in years. Secondly we need to find out what riders are available and where they are in the world relative to the location we all need to get to. The whole focus for the trip was around Île aux Vaches but France is packed with wave sailing breaks. We knew that the best part of the day would be the afternoon with a bit less wind and more offshore. It was just Boujmaa, Philippe and I riding perfect over mast high bowls. Tweet. ‘The Windsurf Project’ team turned their focus on Brittany this winter and its famed big wave spot of ‘Île aux Vaches’. And lucky we got on this Sunday, a big sunny day for us and some good swell breaking along the island. At its peak the waves were nearly double mast high with Thomas and Boujmaa still hitting huge aerials. C’est le cas de Leon Jamaer, Adrien Bosson, Antony Ruenes F85 et Jacopo Testa qui ont retrouvé Robin Goffinet en Bretagne pour une petite session à l’ile aux vaches. Loïc Olivier. Vidéo réalisée lors d’une petite session de windsurf à Audierne avec les frères Flechet. We wanted a really big swell and to perhaps film over a couple of trips. It is rare to create pictures and videos that really do justice to the beauty of big wave riding days in Europe, but with the whole crew of ‘The Windsurf Project’ it was more than that: they turned a perfect moment into a shared experience, a day to remember. As time passed, some nice sets started breaking on the spot! L'île aux Vaches est inscrite dans le périmètre de la zone naturelle d'intérêt écologique, faunistique et floristique (ZNIEFF) des « ilots et grèves à sternes de l'agglomération tourangelle », où nichent deux espèces de sternes ; elle est aussi habitée par le Castor d'Europe. It’s always risky to call everyone and say, “Come, it’s ON!” and you turn up at the spot and it’s small or worse, flat. The last time I was in Île aux Vaches I could only do one thing at a time and it was a little frustrating as I really wanted to shoot from the water. It was made all the more special meeting a long time friend, Robin Goffinet, who hosted us, making for precious moments shared together on and off the water. Obtenez toutes les infos surf, bodyboard, kitesurf, windsurf, sailing, plaisance et surfcasting pour L'Ile aux Vaches en rejoignant la communauté ALLOSURF ! Our last trip in Namibia for ‘The Windsurf Project’ was also risky, with nobody knowing the spot or if the wind or waves were good for windsurfing, but sometimes you just get lucky! I spoke with Thomas and we knew the legendary Brittany spot of ‘Île aux Vaches’ would be on and the perfect spot to film for ‘The Windsurf Project.’ France is an exceptional place for windsurfing from the northern storms passing through to the Mistral wind in the south. Robin lives within a few miles of Île aux Vaches and shapes surfboards for Rob Surfboards and Phillipe is a one of the best talents in France. JOHN CARTER – “On December the 8 th 2018, the Windsurf Project scored an epic session at the notorious big wave spot of Île aux Vaches in France. So all these factors have to be considered within 24 hours of committing, and that is all with the hope that the forecast doesn’t change, as ultimately wind and big waves are the most important factor! A perfect wrap for ‘The Windsurf Project’ in Brittany. Cet automne, privés de trips certains riders européens en ont profité pour explorer les spots à leur portée. Injuries and PWA events are a factor. L'île aux Vaches est une île située entre la pointe de Lervily et le port de Sainte-Evette sur la commune d'Esquibien, au Sud-Ouest d'Audierne, en Bretagne. Special wind and weather forecast for windsurfing, kitesurfing and other wind related sports. Vidéo : Bosson, Traversa, Ruenes and friends à l'Ile aux Vaches Vidéo : Thomas Traversa en Galice, dans près de 30 noeuds Vidéo : Thomas Traversa en Galice, pour son "Guided Tour" Vidéo : Thomas Traversa en session XXL au Pays Basque, dans "Mission Bella" Vidéo : Thomas Traversa en session windsurf à la Réunion, épisode 3 PIERRE BOURAS Where should the next stop for our great adventure be with ‘The Windsurf Project’? The locals like to wait for southerly and northerly winds to see their favourite spots work properly, but they also know where to go when the wind is west: l’Île aux Vaches, located on the north side of the Baie d’Audierne (opposite La Torche), this spot faces south but still receives the west swell. It’s 3pm, time to go back in the water! Tempête Fionn - 17 janvier 2018 - Île aux Vaches, article publié sur le 29/01/2018. Thomas though truly excels away from competition, not only searching for new unridden waves but also in his approach to big wave riding. Windsurf, Musique & Technologies. Windsurf à l’île aux vaches. L’île aux Vaches occupe à elle seule 141 des 161 hectares que totalisent les deux îles acquises par la Ville dans la rivière des Mille Îles. If it is possible we want to make sure that we have that organised too. It was a bit frustrating as there was a bit of competition on the outside to catch the set waves, but we could only blame ourselves for making the place popular. That very same weekend I was committed to shooting the APP SUP race finals in Paris and was gutted to miss out. Nous avons filmés 3 riders durant une session de windsurf dans le nord finistère en Bretagne. I’ve been checking this spot for a few years and this was the best day I’d ever seen. Some days you have the right forecast for really good conditions and nothing happens. “Île Aux Vaches near Audierne in Finistère, West Brittany is one of the ‘secret spots’ known by everyone. The concept behind ‘The Windsurf Project’ is simple – to capture images of the best wave sailing on the planet. French photographer Pierre Bouras, who also came to Skeleton Bay with us for ‘The Windsurf Project’, is a Brittany local and was already on the phone to Boujmaa Guilloul to come and visit him on this forecast. Vidéo : Windsurf île aux Vaches ! In February 2018 we scored it big with Thomas but it wasn’t this clean and it was cloudy. (Photo gracieuseté – STGI) Come Sunday morning, Thomas was checking the charts and buoys to see if the big swell had arrived. Pensez à Locamera pour vos événements sportifs, Vidéo réalisée lors d’une session de surf à St Tugen (Finistère) avec le surfeur Damien Monfort, Vidéo réalisée lors d’une session de surf à St Tugen (Finistère). Tout au bout, on peut apercevoir l’île Saint-Pierre, dont la superficie fait 20 hectares. Windguru weather forecast for France - Ile aux vaches. Locamera; Productions. The other factor that we look at is local water safety options. To have the opportunity to team up with a friend and great filmmaker to show in the best way what we love to do is a brilliant opportunity to showcase our sport. Île aux Vaches was definitely going to get the attention it always deserved. A big storm was on the way to Europe and especially Brittany. Boujmaa got a bomb and did one of the biggest airs of his life for sure! THOMAS TRAVERSA Un grand merci à stef vidéo pour cette réalisation, au Centre Nautique du Cap Sizun pour leur acceuil, à tous les coureurs pour ce beau spectacle et… that Thomas Traversa and ‘The Windsurf Project’ team were also onboard definitely spiced up the trip and made me even more excited about the whole journey. That very same weekend I was committed to shooting the APP SUP race finals in Paris and was gutted to miss out. The idea came about in early 2018 from Thomas Traversa and I. I was looking for a way to combine my professional windsurfing career with my successful filmmaking business and Thomas has been one of the best wavesailors on the planet for a number of years, winning both a world title and the prestigious Red Bull Storm Chase in 2014. Chasing a sweet forecast with a new found sponsor, the crew of Jamie Hancock and Thomas Traversa with guests Boujmaa Guilloul & Pierre Bouras, give us the lowdown on ‘Project Brittany’. Les paramètres des cookies sur ce site sont définis sur « accepter les cookies » pour vous offrir la meilleure expérience de navigation possible. Tweet. It was getting bigger! Windsurf Magazine THOMAS TRAVERSA - ÎLE AUX VACHES. The wind dropped a bit and turned more offshore, the forecast was right. We joined up with local legends Robin Goffinet and Phillipe Mesmeur. But we never really know how this spot works for sure. To find out more or disable the cookies on your browser click here. Waveriding there is different than other local spots as it is full of rocks; the wave is a really good reef wave, often glassy and with good size. A week before the day, Boujmaa contacted me saying he wanted to leave his home in Morocco and come visit me in Brittany and sail. Du côté de l'île Aux Vaches (29) une houle exceptionnelle ravissait un rideur tout aussi exceptionnel et son compère sous l'oeil de Stéphane Debuire à la caméra, mais aussi Erwan Crouan et Pierre Bouras à la photo. We arrived two days before the swell was due which allowed us to explore the French coast a bit for a couple of fun sessions before the bigger swell. Il y a du gros à l’Ile aux vaches. After a couple of rides in the morning, it was time for a little break with the crew to have lunch and talk about life in general. The Windsurf Project : des images à couper le souffle. This was the best I had seen Île aux Vaches. Les 22 et 23 mars derniers, JB Caste avait donné rendez vous aux meilleurs windsurfeurs français sur le mythique spot de l'Île Aux Vaches pour la première étape de son nouveau Rip Curl Windsurfing Pro Tour. It was also some safety cover for the guys if they broke something. We ideally need 3 people including me for the film crew and a photographer to document everything. I picked up the ‘Red’ camera and had my friends James Sharp and Luke Raistrick to help with the filming. “ Brittany has long been a fascinating destination for me. A Penhors, bump & jump et freeride sont également de mise en été, avec le thermique. Retour en images avec cet édit du Windsurf Project de Thomas Traversa. I jumped on my jet ski and grabbed Luke, one of the filming crew for ‘The Windsurf Project’, to get closer to the action and have a different point of view to shoot from! Vidéo : l’ile aux vaches with friends! Voici le résumé de la première étape du RipCurl Windsurfing Pro Tour qui s’était déroulée en Bretagne sur le spot de l’île aux vaches le week end dernier. Conditions parfaites réunies pour une vidéo! As the sun went down, so did the wind too, but the big aerial battle between Thomas and Boujmaa continued until the very end! We will see where the wind will bring us and share it with some great people and friends I’m sure us and share it with some great people and friends I’m sure. Voici le résumé de la première étape du RipCurl Windsurfing Pro Tour qui s’était déroulée en Bretagne sur le spot de l’île aux vaches le week end dernier. Entre Thomas Traversa et le spot de l’Île aux Vaches, c’est une longue histoire d’amour qui dure depuis quelques années maintenant, le méridional n’hésitant pas à traverser la France et parcourir le millier de kilomètres qui le sépare de ce spot magique et exigeant dès que les conditions le permettent. The logistics that go into a windsurfing trip of this scale are quite big. Dans cet épisode 3 c’est à l’île aux vaches que l’on retour Traversa et Boujamaa Guilloul pour quelques jours en pointe finistere sur les spots autour d’Audierne dont l’île aux vaches. Pensez à Locamera pour vos événements ! I can’t wait to share more of these moments with such like-minded human beings. To find out later. Bridgestone shared our vision for seeking out the best waves on the planet. The ocean was showing us the beauty of nature in all its glory. Les Esquibiennois(es) Windsurf extrême en BZH à l’Ile aux Vaches avec Thomas Traversa. What a day, what a mission, we scored again! I also need to make sure we have a film and camera crew available. Taking a whole camera crew to Audierne for filming, with drones, water angles, land shots all done with a professional approach… it was a dream come true. Les vagues sont donc la pratique windsurf dominante sur tous les spots, l'Ile aux Vaches et Saint-Tugen étant d'ailleurs 100% waveriding. Firstly, everything happens absolutely last minute on a forecast, so the inevitable level of panic and pressure to give the green light and start spending money on tickets and the rest kicks in. I had some time off after the Aloha Classic contest in Maui and when I got back home to Morocco the conditions were average and mainly good for surfing, but I saw a beautiful storm moving toward Île aux Vaches and I knew it was the perfect time to go there and ride the conditions that I dreamed of. Its west coast is also in the firing line for some of the best Atlantic swells, which is why it is a breeding ground for so many talented windsurfers. What a day for Boujmaa, first time in Brittany and scoring a premium day at Île aux Vaches. Vendredi 25 septembre, Julien Fléchet, Titouan Fléchet et Baptiste Cloarec ont décidé de se payer une belle session windsurf sur l'Ile aux Vaches ! Chasing a sweet forecast with a new found sponsor, the crew of Jamie Hancock and Thomas Traversa with guests Boujmaa Guilloul & Pierre Bouras, give us the lowdown on ‘Project Brittany’. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce site sans changer vos paramètres de cookies ou si vous cliquez sur "Accepter" ci-dessous, vous consentez à cela. The charts hadn’t been lining up until early December when a decent Atlantic low pressure started to head towards southern Ireland and the northwestern tip of France. Île Aux Vaches Windsurf | Issue 383 - March 2019 ‘The Windsurf Project’ team turned their focus on Brittany this winter and its famed big wave spot of ‘Île aux Vaches’. In my mind it was kind of the French version of Ho’okipa! The setup with the little island, the town of Audierne in the background, the very clear weather that the northwest wind usually brings, the quality of the wave of course, and the very friendly vibes in the water… it was hard not to fall in love with that spot! We had a few days of warming up before the big swell on Sunday. KIDLINGTON BOUJMAA GUILLOUL Vidéo réalisée lors d’une session de Kite surf à la Torche avec Léa Mentec. The waves were just the right size and so was the wind, I was stoked I made the choice to come and very honoured to be part of ‘The Windsurf Project’ and their highly creative team. OX5 9EF, So with the support from Bridgestone and looking at the weather models, the obvious place that we really wanted to focus on was the Northern Hemisphere, with Ireland being the main point of interest. PROJECT BRITTANY | ÎLE AUX VACHES. Évènement; Mariage; Entreprise; Locations; Nos réalisations; Actualités; Contact; Sélectionner une page. Vidéo réalisée lors de la tempête Alex le 3 octobre avec Julien et Titouan Flechet. A few hours later Thomas Traversa sent me a text – “Hey there’s a swell in Île aux Vaches, it’s looking good.” “Yep,” I told him, “Boujmaa just booked his tickets, he’s coming in 2 days!” ‘The Windsurf Project’ was ON! PO Box 386 Infos spot & plage pour L'Ile aux Vaches France Bretagne Finistère (29). JOHN CARTER – “On December the 8 th 2018, the Windsurf Project scored an epic session at the notorious big wave spot of Île aux Vaches in France. Portail du Finistère Portail du monde insulaire Then the magic happened. Le 17 janvier dernier, la France tout entière a été secouée par la tempête Fionn. So with the support from Bridgestone and looking at the weather models, the obvious place that we really wanted to focus on was the Northern Hemisphere, with Ireland being the main point of interest. Perfect light, great waves and the riders on fire too. I was happy to see Thomas, Boujmaa and Philippe and Robin, my 2 local friends, doing their best to rip the pristine lips! Documenting his adventures was something I had a passion for and the project seemed a natural fit. On the day of the big swell, the crowd on the island was bigger than ever, literally dozens of windsurfers, surfers, kiters and onlookers were standing on the rocks, only metres away from the action. Vidéo : Thomas Traversa & Fionn à l'Île Aux Vaches ! Titouan, Julian Flechet et Baptiste Cloarec ont profité de bonnes sessions à l’île aux vaches le weekend dernier. ‘The Windsurf Project’ team turned their focus on Brittany this winter and its famed big wave spot of ‘Île aux Vaches’. Mis à jour 18 mai 2015. With the new partner of Bridgestone tyres supporting ‘The Windsurf Project’, 2019 is certainly going to be exciting. Brittany has long been a fascinating destination for me, from a young age I’ve studied pictures of it in magazines that showed its amazing conditions, but I knew it took a lot to come together to score it also. We wanted a really big swell and to perhaps film over a couple of trips. Getting in the water is massively time consuming but fortunately Pierre has his own jet ski so was able to take himself and Luke out into the break and get the perfect angle to capture the action. I remember seeing pictures from Île aux Vaches in French windsurfing mags when I was 12 or 13 and was really impressed: blue water, clean faces and offshore winds. Chasing a sweet forecast with a new found sponsor, the crew of Jamie Hancock and Thomas Traversa with guests Boujmaa Guilloul & Pierre Bouras, give us the lowdown on ‘Project Brittany’. West Brittany has a reputation for world class windsurfing and a sense of Celtic mystery as its raw and rugged spots only reveal themselves when the conditions align. So with Thomas flying in from Marseille, we had the crew. Du push, du style et des images aeriennes sympa qui apportent un petit plus pour cet edit vidéo au format court. Session de windsurf en Bretagne à l'ile aux Vaches, soleil, belle houle et vent léger... Riders : Robin Goffinet Fred Jézéquel Fred Debuire Philippe Mesmeur VIDÉO. With the support of Bridgestone we have the means to search for the places we hadn’t really imagined were possible. We were cruising in the south and north of Brittany, getting some waves under the boards and showing our visitors the local breaks. At that time I was still in Guadeloupe for a job, but I was flying back home in a few days. I called Boujmaa back to tell him that it looked good for big waves and wind – everything he wanted! In less than an hour the swell doubled in size, the wind turned more offshore and got lighter, turning the tricky morning conditions into a classic day of big wave action. Ile aux Vaches, Bretagne : Le résumé vidéo du Rip curl windsurfing pro tour Publié par Fred Bonnef 2 avril 2014 2 avril 2014 Voici le résumé vidéo de la première étape du RipCurl Windsurfing Pro Tour qui s’était déroulée en Bretagne sur le spot de l’île aux vaches le week end dernier … It was the perfect day and the images we captured speak for themselves. NEW video - Cow Island This winter I took a day trip on a promising forecast to the spot, Ile Aux Vaches (Cow Island) in France. I did manage to score a couple of perfect days in the past, and while the local crew of riders has not grown much, each and every session has brought more spectators to the “island”, more photographers, more video clips released, and we have all been pushing our sailing further, making for greater action in better waves. ‘The Windsurf Project’ is the culmination of more than a decade of travelling and scoring almost empty waves all over the world. MATÉRIEL UTILISÉ : Cameras : Sony Alpha 7SII /Sony FS5, © Locamera 2019 – Réalisé par owmel – Mentions légales, Pensez à Locamera pour vos vidéos d’entreprise ! ”. I also want to shoot these projects with a cinema camera, so for example, for this trip to Brittany I hired an 8K Red Helium to shoot with., Vidéo réalisée pour l’entreprise de matériel de Windsurf et Kitesurf : Prolimit, MATÉRIEL UTILISÉ : – Sony FS5 + 18-105 / Sony A7SII + 24-70/ DJI Ronin S / trépied Manfrotto/ Drone Mavic Pro, Pensez à Locamera pour vos vidéos de sport ! Vidéo réalisée pour l’entreprise de location de semi-rigides « l’albatros » à Concarneau. Luke and Pierre on the ski were getting incredible shots and couldn’t help cheering for us on the big ones and the crowd on the rocks got even bigger; it felt like we were taking part in a great show, courtesy of Mother Nature. The swell took some time to really come in, and a lot of the local guys went for a sail: more than 10 people sailing in solid waves, something I had never seen before, but seeing everyone trying to get a piece of it, was proof that the place was becoming a real classic in the area. Years later, in 2008, a friend from Brittany took me on my first trip to the area, and I knew straight away this place was something special for waveriding. Un drone à l'Île aux Vaches 09/03/2015 Notre "Photo du jour" du 5 mars dernier ne vous a visiblement pas laissé insensibles avec un nombre record de "likes" sur notre page Facebook, l’image de Fred Debuire en action à l’Île aux Vaches en Bretagne, le tout immortalisé par un drone , étant il est vrai particulièrement insolite et sublime à la fois… On hand for a day at one of its best breaks, Île Aux Vaches, was photographer Loïc Olivier and the enigmatic and uber talented 2014 world wave champion, Thomas Traversa. For me taking pictures, this Sunday was THE day! The charts hadn’t been lining up until early December when a decent Atlantic low pressure started to head towards southern Ireland and the. Words Jamie Hancock, Thomas Traversa, Boujmaa Guilloul & Pierre Bouras // Photos Pierre Bouras. Après Nazaré au Portugal et Skeleton Bay en Namibie, direction la Bretagne et l’Île aux Vaches (Finistère) pour l’équipe de The Windsurf Project. I contacted Pierre after seeing some of his online posts asking if he should be going to chase a swell in Hawaii or just stay home and let it deliver and decided to join him for a little adventure. Vidéo réalisée lors d’une session de Windsurf avec Julien et Titouan Flechet et Baptiste Cloarec.,,,,,,, Lien instagram :, Scoring these perfect days comes down to research, preparation, exploration and 100% dedication. Plus d’informations Accepter. It felt like a historical day in windsurfing with a crowd formed on the rocks cheering every big hit, aerial and wipeout. Of course it has its bad days, I have been sometimes a bit disappointed by the conditions not matching the forecast, but with time and practice I have learned a few things: how much swell directions can affect the surf, how winds can turn a nice forecast into a messy day on the water when it blows too strong there, all the typical uncertainty that is part of windsurfing.
Bible Journal De Bord Clc, 72 Clés D'enoch Pdf, Alliance Police Crs, Hôtel Formule 1 Saint-valery-sur-somme, Recette De Brioche Maison, Voie Verte Nancy, Lac Du Bourget Plage,