randonnée la vallée du bonheur

[58] Malqata, "House of Rejoicing", the temple complex built by Amenhotep III, served as the focal point for the Sed Festivals. Il a environ dix ans lors de son accession au trône. Regnal Year 5, third month of Inundation, day 2. For your household for Tadu-Heba [i.e., Tadukhepa], my daughter, your wife, who you love, may all go well. Now, in the time, too, of my father,...[she] went to this country, and just as earlier she dwelt there and they honored her, may my brother now honor her 10 times more than before. Le prince de Qadesh et le roi d'Amourrou (Liban) intriguent pour former une coalition de petits États : là encore, Amenhotep laisse faire. Amenhotep III est le fils de Thoutmôsis IV et de la reine Moutemouia, laquelle assume la régence lorsqu'il monte sur le trône à l'âge de dix / douze ans. Evidence that Sitamun already was promoted to this office by Year 30 of his reign, is known from jar-label inscriptions uncovered from the royal palace at Malkata. [52] In 2014, two giant statues of Amenhotep III that were toppled by an earthquake in 1200 BC were reconstructed from more than 200 fragments and re-erected at the northern gate of the king's funerary temple. Il épouse ensuite la sœur du roi de Babylone[6], Tarhoundaradou, la fille du roi d’Arzawa[6], Tadukhipa (ou Taduhepa), la fille de Tushratta, nouveau roi du Mitanni autour de l’an 36 de son règne[7],[6], une fille de Kadashman-Enlil Ier, roi de Babylone[6], une fille du dirigeant d’Ammia (en Syrie moderne)[6] et enfin ses deux filles Iset et Satamon[8]. On assiste à un développement des grandes villes en Égypte, surtout celles qui sont résidences royales (Thèbes, Memphis). Télécharger des livres par Anne Givaudan Date de sortie: November 25, 2004 Éditeur: SOIS Nombre de pages: 148 pages On situe son règne aux alentours de -1391/-1390[1] à -1353/-1352[2]. [8] They appear frequently on statues and reliefs during the reign of their father and also are represented by smaller objects—with the exception of Nebetah. Amenhotep III élève deux de ses filles — Satamon et Iset â€” au titre de grande épouse royale durant la dernière décennie de son règne. Its length is 3,700 (cubits) and its width is 700 (cubits). [56] It was shaped in the form of a temple pylon with a gradual narrowing near the top. Viziers were Ramose, Amenhotep, Aperel and Ptahmose. Some of Amenhotep III's workshops were razed to make room for Amenhotep-Hapu's temple. Akhenaten even moved the capital away from the city of Thebes in an effort to break the influence of that powerful temple and assert his own preferred choice of deities, the Aten. This page was last edited on 8 April 2021, at 22:28. The evidence consists of the cartouches of Amenhotep III and Akhenaten being carved side by side, but this may only suggest that Amenhotep III had chosen his only surviving son Akhenaten to succeed him since there are no objects or inscriptions known to name and give the same regnal dates for both kings. [43], The resulting upheavals from his son Akhenaten's reforming zeal would shake these old certainties to their very foundations and bring forth the central question of whether a pharaoh was more powerful than the existing domestic order as represented by the Amun priests and their numerous temple estates. [61], Based on indications left by Queen Tiye's steward Khenruef, the festival may have lasted two to eight months. By the time of the Sed Festival, Queen Tiye would be past her child-bearing years. Des parties de fresques ont été également prélevées, défigurant les parois du tombeau. Proclamations informed the people living in Egypt of an upcoming Sed Festival together with stelae. Lorsqu’il meurt, son fils lui succède en tant que Amenhotep IV, mais change ultérieurement son propre nom royal pour Akhenaton. [51] Some of the most magnificent statues of New Kingdom Egypt date to his reign "such as the two outstanding couchant rose granite lions originally set before the temple at Soleb in Nubia" as well as a large series of royal sculptures. The scribe Nebmerutef coordinated every step of the event. On considère parfois qu'Amenhotep III est l'un des initiateurs de l'art amarnien. The jars were stored without respect to their origin.[65]. L'ouverture du pays se poursuit sous le règne d'Amenhotep III et un syncrétisme religieux s'opère entre les dieux d'Égypte et ceux d'Asie. Beside him, Amenhotep-Hapu mirrored his effort like a royal shadow. The Egyptologist Peter Dorman also rejects any co-regency between these two kings, based on the archaeological evidence from the tomb of Kheruef.[29]. And let us act as friends. This completed the site laid out by its predecessor Aménophis III, whose courtyard, the temple and the chambers for births and offerings, as well as the Chapel for Signs, are also visited. Sa grande épouse royale est Tiyi, fille de Youya (Prophète de Min) et Touya (ou Tyouyou). Sa tombe est située dans la vallée des Singes, un ouadi secondaire de la vallée des Rois. [47] The king also started work on the Tenth Pylon at the Temple of Amun there. [48] He oversaw the construction of another temple to Ma'at at Luxor and virtually covered Nubia with numerous monuments. Many jars bearing the names of donors to Amenhotep III to celebrate his festival were found. [16] Similarly, five other scarabs state that the foreign princess who would become a wife to him, Gilukhepa, arrived in Egypt with a retinue of 317 women. Selon Malek, Arnold, Shaw, Grimal, Krauss, Murnane. Amenhotep III (Ancient Egyptian: imn-ḥtp(.w) "Amun is Satisfied";[4] Hellenized as Amenophis III), also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. (His Majesty) celebrated the Festival of Opening the Lake in the third month of Inundation, day sixteen. [62] Khenruef accompanied the king as he traveled the empire, probably reenacting the ceremony for different audiences.[62]. His Majesty commanded the making of a lake for the great royal wife Tiye—may she live—in her town of Djakaru. Il règne trente-huit ans et sept mois, mais certains égyptologues pensent à une corégence avec son fils Amenhotep IV à la fin de sa vie. The likeliest explanation is that the statue was sent to Egypt "to shed her blessings on the wedding of Amenhotep III and Tadukhepa, as she had been sent previously for Amenhotep III and Gilukhepa. Since these statues span his entire life, they provide a series of portraits covering the entire length of his reign. [60], One of the major highlights of the Festival was the king's dual coronation. Des preuves que Satamon avait déjà été promues à ce titre en l’an 30 de son règne sont fournies par une inscription sur un vase découvert au palais royal de Malqata[9]. L'actualité Lifestyle, découvrez nos conseils sorties, nos portraits et nos articles insolites, high tech, mode, beauté, culture, sport et automobile ! May they bless him and may you, my brother, li[ve] forever. On completion, the king's rejuvenated vitality enabled him to serve three more years before holding another Sed Festival. Another striking characteristic of Amenhotep III's reign is the series of over 200 large commemorative stone scarabs that have been discovered over a large geographic area ranging from Syria (Ras Shamra) through to Soleb in Nubia. [18], Amenhotep III's refusal to allow one of his daughters to be married to the Babylonian monarch may indeed be connected with Egyptian traditional royal practices that could provide a claim upon the throne through marriage to a royal princess, or, it could be viewed as a shrewd attempt on his part to enhance Egypt's prestige over those of her neighbours in the international world. Those who survived used the celebration as the affirmation of transition to divinity. Un tombeau codifié KV64 contenant deux momies, une princesse de l’époque d’Amenhotep III et une aristocrate de la XXIIe dynastie ; un second tombeau, codifié KV40, déjà connu mais jamais fouillé. An examination of his mummy by the Australian anatomist Grafton Elliot Smith concluded that the pharaoh was between 40 and 50 years old at death. The Sed Festival dates from the dawn of Egyptian kingship with early Egyptian kings of the Old Kingdom. A Sed Festival Stela of Amenhotep III (Hellenized as Amenophis III) was taken from Egypt to Europe by an art dealer. Side view: A series of festival (ḥb) emblems together with a Sed (sd) emblem identifying the stela as one made for Amenhotep III's Sed Festival royal jubilee.[56]. Much of the masonry was purloined by Merneptah and later pharaohs for their own construction projects. Abd El Aal, Sh., "Evaluation of Biotechnology in the Conservation of wall paintings in the mortuary temple of ramses iii", EJARS 2, iss. - iv, 124 pp., 75 pls. [58] Amenhotep-Hapu enlisted scribes to gather information from records and inscriptions of prior Sed Festivals, often from much earlier dynasties. It has generally been assumed by some scholars that Amenhotep requested and received, from his father-in-law Tushratta of Mitanni, a statue of Ishtar of Nineveh—a healing goddess—in order to cure him of his various ailments, which included painful abscesses in his teeth. Foreign leaders communicated their grief at the pharaoh's death, with Tushratta saying: When I heard that my brother Nimmureya had gone to his fate, on that day I sat down and wept. [57] Akhenaten could then display the stela without reminders of his old family name or the false god Amun, yet celebrate his father's achievement. Rameses II set the record for Sed Festivals with 14 during his 67-year reign. Les princes mittaniens de Syrie, pourtant alliés de l'Égypte, sont attaqués par une nouvelle puissance venue du Hatti, en la personne de l'empereur des Hittites, Soupilouliouma. May Šimige and Šauška grant my brother a gre[at] blessing, exquisi[te] joy. [27][28] The tomb is being studied by a multi-national team led by the Instituto de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto de Madrid and Dr Martin Valentin. One came to tell His Majesty, "The fallen one of vile Kush has plotted rebellion in his heart." He never had high titles but was later worshipped as god and main architect of some of the king's temples. His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of its artistic and international power. Is Šauška for me alone my god[dess], and for my brother not his god[dess]?[33]. [60] The king was followed by Queen Tiye and the royal daughters. Amenhotep wanted his Sed Festivals to be far more spectacular than those of the past. Le visiteur y croise notamment le célèbre regard du Scribe accroupi ou peut y admirer les statues de rois et de reines tels Sésostris III, Ahmès Néfertari, Hatchepsout, Aménophis III, Néfertiti et Akhénaton ou encore Ramsès II. [57] Other gods displayed on the stela, Re and Ma’at, showed no sign of vandalism.[57]. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations, Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, Arbre généalogique de la XVIIIe dynastie égyptienne, Le harem du Pharaon-Soleil. Amenhotep III was buried in the Western Valley of the Valley of the Kings, in Tomb WV22. Craftsmen and jewelers created ornaments commentating the event including jewelry, ornaments, and stelae. In this myth, Amenhotep III is sired by Amun, who has gone to Mutemwiya in form of Thutmose IV. For your wives, for your sons, for your magnates, for your chariots, for your horses, for your troops, for your country, and for whatever else belongs to you, may all go very, very well. [64], Some of the known information about Amenhotep's Sed Festival comes from an unlikely source: the trash heap at Malqata Palace. High stewards were Amenemhat Surer and Amenhotep (Huy). [9] Nebetah is attested only once in the known historical records on a colossal limestone group of statues from Medinet Habu. [20] One of the king's most popular epithets was Aten-tjehen which means "the Dazzling Sun Disk"; it appears in his titulary at Luxor temple and, more frequently, was used as the name for one of his palaces as well as the Year 11 royal barge, and denotes a company of men in Amenhotep's army. Il entreprend de nombreux chantiers depuis la Nubie jusqu'au nord du pays. Top view: The top shows malicious damage to the stela where the cartouche was chipped away. [10] This huge sculpture, that is seven meters high, shows Amenhotep III and Tiye seated side by side, "with three of their daughters standing in front of the throne—Henuttaneb, the largest and best preserved, in the centre; Nebetah on the right; and another, whose name is destroyed, on the left. [8] Egypt's theological paradigm encouraged a male pharaoh to accept royal women from several different generations as wives to strengthen the chances of his offspring succeeding him. EA7, Ninth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, Amenhotep III wearing the double crown of, two outstanding couchant rose granite lions originally set before the temple at Soleb in Nubia, Colossal red granite statue of Amenhotep III, Colossal quartzite statue of Amenhotep III, The lion hunts of Amenhotep III during the first ten years of his reign, Proof found of Amenhotep III-Akhenaten co-regency, "22 Ancient Pharaohs Have Been Carried Across Cairo in an Epic 'Golden Parade, "Amenhotep III Statues Once More Stand Before Pharaoh's Temple", "The Long Coregency Revisited: Architectural and Iconographic Conundra in the Tomb of Kheruef", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amenhotep_III&oldid=1016760221, Pharaohs of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, Articles containing Ancient Egyptian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [36], Amenhotep III's highest attested regnal date is Year 38, which appears on wine jar-label dockets from Malkata. [20] The palace, called Per-Hay or "House of Rejoicing" in ancient times, comprised a temple of Amun and a festival hall built especially for this occasion. Their first son, Crown Prince Thutmose, predeceased his father and their second son, Amenhotep IV, later known as Akhenaten, ultimately succeeded Amenhotep III to the throne. 1410 avant JC Aménophis III bâti Louxor ... sur le chemin qui le relie au vaste temple d'Amon, à Karnak. (near Akhmin). La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 4 janvier 2021 à 10:06. [54] When a king served 30 years of his reign, he performed a series of tests to demonstrate his fitness for continuing as pharaoh. Cependant, depuis le début du Nouvel Empire, le clergé de Thèbes n’avait cessé d’étendre son influence et ses domaines fonciers; le … Des accords commerciaux sont pris avec Chypre : un important quota de bois et de cuivre est fixé pour l'importation en Égypte, ce qui apporte à l'île une exemption de droits de douane. URL-- vol. Durant son règne, Bakenkhonsou est grand prêtre d'Amon. In February 2014, the Egyptian Ministry for Antiquities announced what it called "definitive evidence" that Akhenaten shared power with his father for at least 8 years, based on findings from the tomb of Vizier Amenhotep-Huy. Temples were built and statues erected up and down the Nile. Elle fut découverte en 1898, dès les premières explorations de la vallée. May my brother honor her, [then] at [his] pleasure let her go so that she may come back. A daughter of the ruler of Ammia (in modern Syria). Back view: Like the top view, the cartouche has been eradicated. Sometime during the Third Intermediate Period his mummy was moved from this tomb and was placed in a side-chamber of KV35 along with several other pharaohs of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasties where it lay until discovered by Victor Loret in 1898. [7] He was a member of the Thutmosid family that had ruled Egypt for almost 150 years since the reign of Thutmose I. ...including a small temple with a colonnade (dedicated to Thutmose III) at Elephantine, a rock temple dedicated to Amun "Lord of the Ways" at Wadi es-Sebuam, and the temple of Horus of Miam at Aniba...[as well as founding] additional temples at Kawa and Sesebi. Télé Scoop, décembre 2017, Fichier d’autorité international virtuel, Karnak (troisième pylône de l'enceinte d'Amon-Rê), Le harem du pharaon soleil-Vidéo ARTE, juillet 2020, Chronologies comparées des dynasties égyptiennes, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amenhotep_III&oldid=178392249, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Politique, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Une princesse babylonienne, fille du dirigeant d’Ammia, [ N28 M22 D58 W24:X1 G14 N28 G17 U1:Aa11 D36:X1 C10 ], Taureau puissant qui apparaît resplendissant en tant que, S29 Y5:N35:Y1 O4:Q3 G43 Y1:Z2 S29 W11:D21 V28 D36:N17:N17, Celui qui établit durablement les lois et apaise le Double Pays, Éminent par son bras puissant qui terrasse les Nubiens, Agnès Cabrol, Amenhotep III le magnifique, Monaco, Editions du Rocher, 2000. To commemorate an event, a stela, which is a stone of various size and composition, is inscribed with highlights of the event. They are known from a remarkable series of monuments, including the well known tomb of Ramose at Thebes. Ce n’est pas un guerrier. [58] In addition to the rituals, they collected descriptions of costumes worn at previous festivals. 2 (2012): 79-89. British Museum. Amenhotep III appointed Amenhotep, son of Hapu, as the official to plan the ceremony. Peu d'objets ont échappé au pillage en dehors de quelques ouchebtis exposés dans différents musées du monde. Amenhotep III also may have been the father of a third child—called Smenkhkare, who later would succeed Akhenaten and briefly ruled Egypt as pharaoh. The letters cover the period from Year 30 of Amenhotep III until at least the end of Akhenaten's reign. Ramesses VI Nebmaatre-Meryamun (sometimes written Ramses or Rameses, also known under his princely name of Amenherkhepshef C) was the fifth ruler of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt.He reigned for about eight years in the mid-to-late 12th century BC and was a son of Ramesses III and queen Iset Ta-Hemdjert.As a prince, he was known as Ramesses Amunherkhepeshef and held the titles of royal … He was a leading figure in the military campaigns of the king in Nubia. Argus, héros né de la Terre, doué d'une force prodigieuse, est appelé aussi Argus-aux-cent-yeux, à cause du grand nombre d'yeux qu'il avait sur la tête ou sur tout le corps. Appearance under the Majesty of Horus: Strong bull, appearing in truth; Two Ladies: Who establishes laws and pacifies the Two Lands;...King of Upper and Lower Egypt: Nebmaatra, heir of Ra; Son of Ra: [Amenhotep, ruler of Thebes], beloved of [Amon]-Ra, King of the Gods, and Khnum, lord of the cataract, given life. 16 - was never published -- vol. [50] The Colossi of Memnon—two massive stone statues, 18 m (59 ft) high, of Amenhotep that stood at the gateway of his mortuary temple—were the only elements of the complex that remained standing. [52] The only damage it had sustained was that the name of the god Amun had been hacked out wherever it appeared in the pharaoh's cartouche, clearly done as part of the systematic effort to eliminate any mention of this god during the reign of his successor, Akhenaten.[52]. Cour d'Aménophis, Salle hypostyle, Salle des Offertoires, Salle du _Lever_ et Sanctuaire des Maut, Paris, 1894. L’Égypte, au contraire, signe un traité avec le Hatti. From Thebes, Egypt. [25] Lawrence Berman observes in a 1998 biography of Amenhotep III that, It is significant that the proponents of the coregency theory have tended to be art historians [e.g., Raymond Johnson], whereas historians [such as Donald Redford and William Murnane] have largely remained unconvinced. Granodiorite statue of Amenhotep III at the British Museum, Left of Statue above. [57] Akhenaten detested his royal family name so much, he changed his own name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten; he vandalized any reference to the god Amun since he had chosen to worship another god, the Aten. Les archéologues y découvrent plus de quatre-vingt-dix corps – la plupart appartenaient à des femmes contemporaines d'Amenhotep III. The jars bear the donor's name, title, and date. "[8], Amenhotep III elevated two of his four daughters—Sitamun and Isis—to the office of "great royal wife" during the last decade of his reign. [42], When Amenhotep III died, he left behind a country that was at the very height of its power and influence, commanding immense respect in the international world; however, he also bequeathed an Egypt that was wedded to its traditional political and religious certainties under the Amun priesthood. Quand en l'an 2 de son règne (-1406), il prend pour épouse Tiyi, qui devient la grande épouse royale, il commande une série de grands scarabées dont le verso relate l'événement et que l'on retrouvera disséminés dans tout l'empire. Il épouse aussi, en l’an X de son règne, Giloukhepa (ou Gilu-Hepa), la fille de l’empereur du Mittani Shuttarna II[5]. Il fait agrandir considérablement le complexe de Karnak en y faisant construire le temple de Louxor par son architecte Amenhotep fils de Hapou (qui, à l'instar d'Imhotep, l'architecte de Djéser, sera divinisé à titre posthume). Amenhotep III (Ancient Egyptian: imn-ḥtp(.w) "Amun is Satisfied"; Hellenized as Amenophis III), also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty.According to different authors, he ruled Egypt from June 1386 to 1349 BC, or from June 1388 BC to December 1351 BC/1350 BC, after his father Thutmose IV died. Amenhotep III mène l’Égypte à l’apogée de sa puissance. [63] In fact, most Egyptian creation stories depend on it. Manéthon l’appelle Aménophis. The son of the future Thutmose IV (the son of Amenhotep II) and a minor wife Mutemwiya, Amenhotep III was born around 1401 BC. Cette fois, il s’agit de découvrir l’évolution chronologique de l'art égyptien sur près de 5000 ans. Amenhotep III (né vers -1411/-1403, et mort à Malqata vers -1353/-1352), ou Aménophis III en grec ; Amāna-Ḥātpa en égyptien ancien, qui signifie Amon est satisfait, est le neuvième pharaon de la XVIII e dynastie (période du Nouvel Empire). [30] Scientists believe that in his final years he suffered from arthritis and became obese. The official account of Amenhotep III's military victory emphasizes his martial prowess with the typical hyperbole used by all pharaohs. Durant son long règne, une seule expédition militaire est attestée en Nubie en l’an 5 de son règne, pour réprimer une révolte. Reliefs from the wall of the temple of Soleb in Nubia and scenes from the Theban tomb of Kheruef, Steward of the King's Great Wife, Tiye, depict Amenhotep as a visibly weak and sick figure. May Šimige and Šauška go before her. Statistiques et évolution des crimes et délits enregistrés auprès des services de police et gendarmerie en France entre 2012 à 2019 Amenhotep n'intervient pas pour venir à leur secours, malgré les appels des princes. British Museum. [52] Several beautiful black granite seated statues of Amenhotep wearing the nemes headress have come from excavations behind the Colossi of Memnon as well as from Tanis in the Delta. There were many important individuals in the court of Amenhotep III. Amenhotep III est le fils de Thoutmôsis IV et de Moutemouia, une concubine de son père[3],[4]. The donors were not just the rich but also small servants. Amenhotep III dismantled the Fourth Pylon of the Temple of Amun at Karnak to construct a new pylon—the Third Pylon—and created a new entrance to this structure where he erected two rows of columns with open papyrus capitals down the centre of this newly formed forecourt. Il est l’introducteur de la religion d’Aton qui va être suivie par son fils. Le scribe du roi, Amenhotep fils de Hapou, favori, directeur de tous les travaux du roi (architecte royal) est un « Premier ministre Â» de fait. Cassirer suggests Akhenaten, Amenhotep III's son and successor, was responsible for defacing the king's name on the stela. [64] The location was behind that of his king, Amenhotep III. Thus Šauška of Nineveh, mistress of all lands: "I wish to go to Egypt, a country that I love, and then return." Recognizing that the problem admits no easy solution, the present writer has gradually come to believe that it is unnecessary to propose a coregency to explain the production of art in the reign of Amenhotep III. Hurghada and the Red Sea. [15] Their lengthy inscribed texts extol the accomplishments of the pharaoh. Le roi du Mittani envoie à Amenhotep la statue miraculeuse de la déesse Ishtar de Ninive. [56] Above his head, Heh appears to support the cartouche of Amenhotep III symbolically for a million years. Ses filles apparaissent souvent sur des statues et reliefs durant le règne de leur père et sont aussi représentées sur des objets plus petits – à l’exception de Nebetâh[11]. [59] Malqata featured an artificial lake that Amenhotep built for his wife, Queen Tiye, that would be used in the Sed Festival. Rather the perceived problems appear to derive from the interpretation of mortuary objects.[26]. [44], In April 2021 his mummy was moved from the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization along with those of 17 other kings and 4 queens in an event termed the Pharaohs' Golden Parade. [62] No mention is made of the royal harem. [32] Furthermore, Tushratta never mentions in EA 23 that the statue's dispatch was meant to heal Amenhotep of his maladies. [16]. [citation needed] The forecourt between the Third and Fourth Pylons, sometimes called an obelisk court, was also decorated with scenes of the sacred barque of the deities Amun, Mut, and Khonsu being carried in funerary boats. La fin de son règne est marqué par une dégradation de la situation internationale. [39] His chief wife, Tiye, is known to have outlived him by at least twelve years, as she is mentioned in several Amarna letters dated from her son's reign as well as depicted at a dinner table with Akhenaten and his royal family in scenes from the tomb of Huya, which were made during Year 9 and Year 12 of her son's reign.[40][41]. Amenhotep III and Tiye may also have had four daughters: Sitamun, Henuttaneb, Isis or Iset, and Nebetah. [31] A forensic examination of his mummy shows that he was probably in constant pain during his final years due to his worn and cavity-pitted teeth.

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