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Also adding weight to the claim that the mass is cyclic is the possibility that the piece was written or assembled for performance at a specific celebration. USt. Sofern Sie Guillaume de machaut nicht ausprobieren, fehlt Ihnen wahrscheinlich einfach der Ansporn, um Ihren Schwierigkeiten den Gar auszumachen. The poem below, Puis qu'en oubli, is his 18th rondeau. chanson de geste   Héritier de la tradition musicale trouvère, il est le représentant de la modernité française incarnée par l’Ars Nova codifié par Philippe de Vitry. Guillaume de Machaut discography and songs: Music profile for Guillaume de Machaut. Guillaume de MACHAUT – Une Vie, une Œuvre : Recherche de l'harmonie en des temps difficiles (2000) John was the son of one German emperor and the father of another; his ancestral castle was Luxembourg. Guillaume de Machaut – Musiker, Dichter und Kleriker - zählte mit seinem künstlerisch anspruchsvollen Œuvre zu den größten Komponisten des 14. This website forms part of a collaborative, cross-disciplinary project, supported by the Leverhulme Trust, bringing together academic partners at the Universities of Exeter, Amsterdam, Clemson, Youngstown State, and City University of New York. De nombreuses terres demeuraient sans seigneur, et les vivants n'osaient à aucun prix rester dans la maison où il y avait eu des morts, que ce soit en hiver ou en été. Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre OL 3; 1059; M6-91643; 1063.   amour an der Kasse variieren. [1] Daniel Leech-Wilkinson called him "the last great poet who was also a composer",[2][page needed] and well into the 15th century Machaut's poetry was greatly admired and imitated by other poets, including Geoffrey Chaucer. His surname most likely derives from the nearby town of Machault, 30 km northeast of Reims in the Ardennes region. [2] Über das Leben seiner Eltern ist nichts bekannt, jedoch weiß man, dass Machaut einen jüngeren Bruder namens Jean de Machaut hatte. Codex Faenza-folio37v-De tout flors (Machaut).png 810 × 1,197; 1.56 MB. Guillaume de Machaut. moyen-âge Tales like Machaut's, about heroic Crusader figures, reinforced the self-image that Lusignan courtiers cultivated as long-distance claimaints to Jerusalem.[8]. His works are preserved to a degree astonishing for the 14th century: there are manuscripts for hundreds of … 3. As a composer of the 14th century, Machaut's secular song output includes monophonic lais and virelais, which continue, in updated forms, some of the tradition of the troubadours. As his name indicates, Guillaume was born in Machaut, a small town in northern France. He was born in Champagne around 1300. April 1377 in Reims) war ein französischer Komponist und Dichter des Mittelalters. To a love life, and to happiness, I bid goodbye. Besonders Papst Johannes XXII 4 übte Kritik und forderte den einstimmigen Gesang wieder herzustellen. poésie Media in category "Guillaume de Machaut" The following 61 files are in this category, out of 61 total. Since I am forgotten by you, sweet friend. Abhängig von der Lieferadresse kann die USt. Artiste majeur de la culture occidentale, Guillaume de Machaut réussit ce tour de force d’être le plus grand écrivain français du XIVe siècle et le plus grand compositeur de toute l’Europe. Guillaume de Machaut was born about 1300, and educated in the region around Reims. Je n’en voulais rien savoir, pour moins occuper ma pensée, bien que beaucoup de mes amis soient morts et enterrés. He also worked in the polyphonic forms of the ballade and rondeau and wrote the first complete setting of the Ordinary of the Mass which can be attributed to a single composer. In 1346, King John was killed fighting at the Battle of Crécy, and Machaut, who was famous and much in demand, entered the service of various other aristocrats and rulers, including King John's daughter Bonne (who died of the Black Death in 1349), her sons Jean de Berry and Charles (later Charles V, Duke of Normandy), and others such as Charles II of Navarre.[3]. Guillaume de Machaut vagy Machault, latinul Guillermus de Mascandio (kiejtése kb. Machaut, Guillaume de (b. Reims, c. 1300; d. there, 13 April 1377). It will be developed and updated in both parts. 1938 – Guillaume de Machaut.     One of the earliest composers on whom considerable biographical information is available, his surviving works substantially outnumber those of his contemporaries. Puis qu'en oubli sui de vous, dous amis, 1.2K likes. Immensely influential, Machaut is regarded as the most important composer and poet of the 14th century and is the first significant composer whose name is known. Jean Archimbaud (soprano); André Lafosse (bass trumpet); Tudesq (trombone); Guillaume de Van, dir. 1377 (aged 77) Guillaume de Machaut, sometimes spelt Machault (c.1300–1377), was an important mediaeval French poet and composer. Machaut's mass differs from these in the following ways: (1) he does not hold a tonal centre throughout the entire work, as the mass uses two distinct modes (one for the Kyrie, Gloria, and Credo, another for Sanctus, Agnus and Ite missa est); (2) there is no extended melodic theme that clearly runs through all the movements, and the mass does not use the parody technique; (3) there is considerable evidence that this mass was not composed in one creative act. 1300-1377) was the greatest French composer of his >century, the creator of the first complete polyphonic Mass setting, and a >renowned poet. Association musicale en Essonne regroupant 3 ensembles : le choeur Cantores, l'ensemble vocal Double Dièse 91 et l'orchestre Saltarelle ), on ne sait rien des 20 premières années de sa vie, sinon qu'il est clericus.. Vers 1323 il est au service de Jean de Luxembourg, roi de … Guillaume de Machaut travaillera essentiellement pour l’Église mais aussi pour des commanditaires laïcs. lettres   pour quoy se demente et complaint (deux voix) Medieval French poet and composer (born c. 1300, Reims, France - died April 1377, France). Credo: 13:22IV. In technical terms, Machaut was a master of elaborate rhyme schemes, and this concern makes him a precursor to the Grands Rhétoriqueurs of the 15th century. M6-91647. Guillaume de Machaut (French: [ɡijom də maʃo]; also Machau and Machault; c. 1300 – April 1377) was a French poet and composer of late medieval music who was the central figure of the ars nova style. - et. 1586 (Works of Guillaume de Machaut) Livy. This was a different genre than motets known to singers and listeners of sixteenth-century choral music. Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300-1377) Machaut's life Machaut's works > > > > > > Machaut's manuscripts Basic Machaut resources Machaut's motets. 4,4 von 5 Sternen 6 Sternebewertungen.   Les dieux, quand ils aimaient d'amour, changeaient leurs formes en d'autres et ils changeaient aussi leurs amies, tantôt en vache, tantôt en pies, tantôt en telles formes, selon leur bon plaisir : chacun agissait à sa guise (mais quand ils étaient auprès d'elles, ils reprenaient leurs formes à eux), de manière à conduite leurs amours plus secrètement et avec plus de prudence. 23.4K monthly listeners. Whether or not Machaut's mass is indeed cyclic is contested; after lengthy debate, musicologists are still deeply divided. littérature médiévale Guillaume de Machaut was born in the village of Machault in Champagne, near Reims. Die Kirche war gegen diese neue mehrstimmige Kompositionstechnik. En un mot, c'est la rose vermeille à nulle autre comparable. Je me confessai de tous mes péchés et me mis en état de grâce, pour recevoir la mort là où j'étais, si cela plaisait à Notre Seigneur. C'est que ja mais n'aray nul autre amant. Il est mort en 1377 à Reims. Guillaume de Machaut, sometimes spelt Machault (c.1300–1377), was an important mediaeval French poet and composer. Longtemps je restai ainsi, sans savoir ce qui se passait dans la ville ; pendant ce temps il en mourut plus de 20 000, sans que je le sache, ce qui atténua ma mélancolie. Poésie lyrique 2002 – "Les motets", Ensemble Musica Nova, Lucien Kandel, Zig-Zag Territoires 021002.2 (2 CDs). While not the first cyclic mass – the Tournai Mass is earlier – it was the first by a single composer and conceived as a unit. Vie amoureuse et joie a Dieu commant. roman   The possibility that it was for the coronation of Charles V, which was once widely accepted, is thought unlikely in modern scholarship. Car leurs haleines corrompues corrompaient celles qui étaient saines. The fact that the movements were placed together does not mean they were conceived as such.[5]. Variantes : Tout Voir | Guillaume de Machaut. 1300 - 1377, wrote the best music piece ever created, The LA MESSE DE NOSTRE DAME 165 J’aime. He often accompanied King John on his various trips, many of them military expeditions around Europe (including Prague). In the early 1320s he entered the service of John, Duke of Luxembourg and King of Bohemia, who secured for Machaut various ecclesiastical posts, documented in a series of papal bulls. Among his only surviving sacred works, Messe de Nostre Dame, is earliest known complete setting of the Ordinary of the Mass attributable to a single composer. Jacqueline Kelen s'entretient avec Michel Zink (professeur au Collège de France et directeur de la collection Lettres Gothiques au Livre de poche), Jacqueline Cerquiligni-Toulet (professeur à Paris-Sorbonne), Bernard Gagnepain (musicologue et musicien), au sujet de Guillaume de Machaut, chanoine de Reims, poète et musicien. Je me confessai de tous mes péchés et me mis en état de grâce, pour recevoir la mort là où j’étais, si cela plaisait à Notre Seigneur. Balladelle schema.svg 349 × 161; 14 KB. Vrai Nom: Guillaume de Machaut (or Machault) Profil: Medieval French poet and composer (born c. 1300, Reims, France - died April 1377, France). Format : Paris. Machaut page from Early Music FAQ: Contains complete biography, discography, lyrics; the Wikipedia entry on Ars Nova histoire vraie Il formera des élèves en Europe (Pologne, Italie, Russie, Bohême, etc.). Guillaume de Machaut est né à Machault (vous auriez pu deviner, quand même), en Champagne, vers 1300, dans une famille de roturiers (donc non noble). He is one of the earliest composers on whom significant biographical information is available. Mit ihm unternahm Machaut zahlreiche Feldzüge durch ganz Europa. In his other genres, though, he does not utilize sacred texts. Guillaume de Machaut : Dame à vous Texte du Lutin d'Ecouves : Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1377). Works by Guillaume de Machaut in the Petrucci Music Library (IMSLP) View the Wikipedia article on List of compositions by Guillaume de Machaut. This is both a reasonably complete discography of Guillaume de Machaut written in 1998 as well as a compendium of Machaut's musical lyrics gathered in 1999. Jahrhunderts. Alle Formate und Ausgaben anzeigen Andere Formate und Ausgaben ausblenden.   Reykjavík, Arnamagnæan Institute, GkS 1005 fol (Flatey Book) Guillaume … poésie en prose He was probably born around 1300 in the diocese of Rheims in Champagne and he may have spent some time studying in Paris where, since the 13th century, the most sophisticated musical theories had been elaborated. Generally acclaimed the greatest composer of the 14th century is Guillaume de Machaut.Like so many other medieval composers, Machaut was both musician and poet. Den Nachnamen verdankt er seinem Geburtsort, dem Ardennendorf Machaut. 1300-1377).. a poem not meant to be sung).   Leben und literarisches Schaffen Das Geburtsdatum und der Geburtsort Machauts sind nicht sicher bekannt. Quand, depuis son siège, Dieu vit la corruption du monde, qui était partout si grande, il n'est pas étonnant qu'il fût désireux de se venger cruellement de ce grand chambardement. In these genres, Machaut retained the basic formes fixes, but often utilized creative text setting and cadences. Jetzt online bestellen! Si quelqu'un l'avait fait, cela aurait été au péril de sa vie. Some of his best-known works are the rondeaux "Ma fin est mon commencement" and "Rose, liz, printemps, verdure" as well as the virelai "Douce Dame Jolie". Um 1300 wurde er in Nordfrankreich geboren, 1377 starb er in Reims. Wer es wagte, diesen neuen Stil in einer Aufführung zu präsentieren, dem wurde mit Kirchenstrafen gedroht. Guillaume de Machaut was born about 1300, and educated in the region around Reims. Guillaume de Machaut (sometimes spelled Machault; c. 1300–April 1377) was a medieval French poet and composer.He is one of the earliest composers on whom significant biographical information is available. Sanctus et Benedictus: 19:56V. musical style of the 14th century. Daniel Leech-Wilkinson called him "the last great poet who was also a composer", and well into the 15th century Machaut's poetry was greatly admired and imitated by other poets, including Geoffrey Chaucer. [7], According to food historian William Woys Weaver, fourteenth century nobles at the French-speaking Lusignan court in Nicosia, Cyprus, often listened to narrations of Machaut's Prise d’Alexandrie for entertainment during royal banquets. peur Elle est l'escarboucle dont l'éclat illumine la nuit obscure; c'est le fin diamant serti d'or qui donne grâce à tous amants; c'est le saphir, c'est l'émail qui sait guérir les maux d'amour; c'est exactement la tramontane qui conduit les coeurs au port de Joie; c'est l'émeraude qui rend liesse et gaieté à tous coeurs affligés; c'est le fin rubis du soleil levant dont le rire guérit tous maux. Machaut was a major contributor to the motet as practiced in fourteenth-century France. rois Zitierweise Guillaume, de Machaut, Indexeintrag: Deutsche Biographie, [30.03.2021]. Machaut mostly composed in five genres: the lai, the virelai, the motet, the ballade, and the rondeau. [Paris]: Éditions de l'Oiseau-Lyre. His works are preserved to a degree astonishing for the 14th century: there are manuscripts for hundreds of … Il est un des fondateurs de l'Ars Nova. [1] Machaut composed in a wide range of styles and forms and was crucial in developing the motet and secular song forms (particularly the lai and the formes fixes: rondeau, virelai and ballade). Guillaume de Machaut, Machaut also spelled Machault, (born c. 1300, Machault, Fr.—died 1377, Reims), French poet and musician, greatly admired by contemporaries as a master of French versification and regarded as one of the leading French composers of the Ars Nova (q.v.) Il a marqué pendant au moins un siècle la production artistique européenne. france Machaut Guillaume de vers 1300 - 1377. Amour leading his children Sweet Thought, Pleasure and Hope to Guillaume de Machaut, by Master of Bible of Jean de Sy 1372-77 (42374611771).jpg 10,630 × 9,723; 21.06 MB. Guillaume de Machaut (ou de Machault) est né aux confins de la Champagne et des Ardennes vers 1300. La Messe de Nostre-Dame ist eine Messvertonung für vier Singstimmen von Guillaume de Machaut (um 1300/1305–1377). Guillaume de Machaut, Madrid. In the early 1320s he entered the service of John, Duke of Luxembourg and King of Bohemia, who secured for Machaut various ecclesiastical posts, documented in a series of papal bulls. Sites: Wikipedia, Bookogs, Images of the Ferrell-Vogüé MS, a major collection of the poetry and music of Machaut: This page was last edited on 8 April 2021, at 19:43. At the end of his life, Machaut wrote a poetic treatise on his craft (his Prologue). Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377) Discography, Biography, Lyrics. However, a few of Machaut's rondeaux, such as R18 "Puis qu'en oubli", are mostly syllabic in treatment. autobiographie An Author's role in fourteenth century book production : Guillaume de Machaut's "Livre ou je met toutes mes choses". 1400)-language text, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from March 2014, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2020, Articles to be expanded from February 2015, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This reflects on his conception of the organization of poetry into set genres and rhyme schemes, and the ordering of these genres into distinct sections of manuscripts. C'est une belle chose que la fidélité à ses engagements dans la bouche d'un roi et une chose fort laide qu'un roi dont la bouche manque à sa parole. The top two voices in these three-part compositions, in contrast, sing secular French texts, creating interesting concordances between the sacred and secular. This preoccupation with ordering his oeuvre is reflected in an index to MS A entitled "Vesci l'ordonance que G. de Machaut veut qu'il ait en son livre" ("Here is the order that G. de Machaut wants his book to have"). He was named the canon of Verdun in 1330, Arra…   The numbering scheme, from the classic edition of Machaut's works by Leo Schrade, does not represent chronology, since few of Machaut's works can be reliably dated.. Je m’enfermai donc dans ma maison et pris la résolution de n’en sortir que quand je saurais comment tout cela allait finir. Some of his lyric output is embedded in his narrative poems or "dits", such as Le remède de fortune ("The Cure of Ill Fortune") which includes one of each genre of lyric poetry, and Le voir dit ("A True Story"), but most are included in a separate, unordered section entitled Les loanges des dames. According to Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, Machaut was “the last great poet who was also a … Découvrez tous les produits Guillaume De Machaut à la fnac : Musique, Livres, BD, Ebooks Certains disent que c’est le plus grand poète du XIVe siècle. Machaut's cyclic setting of the Mass, identified in one source as the Messe de Nostre Dame (Mass of Our Lady), was composed in the early 1360s probably for Rheims Cathedral. Heimlieferung oder in Filiale: Analyse der Motette Nr. Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300-1377) Machaut's life Machaut's works > > > > > > Machaut's manuscripts Basic Machaut resources Machaut's motets. Es handelt sich dabei neben den Messen von Tournai, Toulouse, Barcelona und der Sorbonne um eine der ältesten polyphonen Vertonungen des Ordinariums, und um die älteste bekannte, die aus der Feder eines einzelnen, benannten Komponisten stammt. Er durchlief eine Klerikerausbildung, bevor er 1323 Sekretär des Herzogs Johann von Luxemburg, zugleich König von Böhmen, wurde. Hier einige der Ergebnisse, die ich während meiner Recherche erfahren konnte: Physician - Chansons. Unlucky was the day I put my love in you, L’émission "Une Vie, une Œuvre", sous-titrée 'Recherche de l'harmonie en des temps difficiles', diffusée le 6 février 2000 sur France Culture. Je m’en remis à Dieu. Guillaume de Machaut >Guillaume de Machaut (ca. Der Komponist und Dichter Guillaume de Machaut wurde vermutlich „um 1300 in der Champagne“ [1] geboren. Last Updates: 02/14/2021 (discography), 05/09/2011 (texts) The conception & research for this project was carried … Mais ce tenray que je vous ay promis, The lyrics of Machaut's works almost always dealt with courtly love.   Guillaume de Machaut Guillaume de Machaut first enters the historical record in a few ecclesiastical documents from 1330-33 in which he is described variously as a clerk, almoner, notary, and secretary to the king of Bohemia, Jean of Luxembourg. Pas plus qu'on ne saurait dénombrer les étoiles.   prose   2010 – "Messe Notre-Dame", (with Philippe de Vitry, Robertsbridge Codex, Pierre de Bruges, Gilles d'Orléans, Bernard de Cluny), Ensemble Musica Nova, Lucien Kandel, AEON AECD 1093. Elle est une créature si exceptionnelle qu'elle l'emporte sur toutes les jeunes femmes par son intelligence, sa douceur, son charme. Nevertheless, the mass can be said to be stylistically consistent, and certainly the chosen chants are all celebrations of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Originaire de Champagne (ou de Machaut dans les Ardennes ? Since I am forgotten by you, sweet friend, How to say guillaume de machaut in English? Machaut was probably familiar with the Tournai Mass since Machaut's Mass shares many stylistic features with it, including textless interludes. French composer and poet. médiéval. Machaut was a major contributor to the motet as practiced in fourteenth-century France. -- 1372-1377 -- manuscrits. This latest disc celebrates the 14th-century French composer-poet Guillaume de Machaut with a selection of his numerous motets and songs (ballades, virelais or rondeaux) on the theme of courtly love courtly and its diversions: in Phyton, le mervilleus serpent, a seven-headed snake a mile long has nothing on the lover s merciless lady; in the motet Lasse! Dans un premier temps, il travaillera au service du roi Jean de Bohème en tant que secrétaire. Machaut is also the author of a poetic chronicle of the chivalric deeds of Peter I of Cyprus, (the Prise d'Alexandrie), and of poetic works of consolation and moral philosophy. Guillaume de Machaut's lyric output comprises around 400 poems, including 235 ballades, 76 rondeaux, 39 virelais, 24 lais, 10 complaintes, and 7 chansons royales, and Machaut did much to perfect and codify these fixed forms. 1300 - 1377, wrote the best music piece ever created, The LA MESSE DE NOSTRE DAME moderne These first-person narrative poems (all but one are written in octosyllabic rhymed couplets, like the romance, or "roman" of the same period) follow many of the conventions of the Roman de la rose, including the use of allegorical dreams (songes), allegorical characters, and the situation of the narrator-lover attempting to return toward or satisfy his lady. Standard-groove recording, 1 disc: 78 rpm; 12 in., monaural. Welcome to the new digital research environment dedicated to the study of fourteenth-century poet and composer Guillaume de Machaut (ca. Guillaume de Machaut, né vers 1300 et mort en 1377, était le plus célèbre écrivain et compositeur français du XIVe siècle. scandales [6], Machaut's poetry had a direct effect on the works of Eustache Deschamps, Jean Froissart, Christine de Pizan, René d'Anjou and Geoffrey Chaucer, among many others. However, there is a consensus that this mass is at best a forerunner to the later 15th-century cyclic masses by the likes of Josquin des Prez. Guillaume de Machaut's narrative output is dominated by the "dit" (literally "spoken", i.e. His unusual self-reflective usage of himself (as his lyrical persona) as the narrator of his dits yields some personal philosophical insights as well. Mais son employeur ayant été tué à Crécy en 1346, Machaut rejoint successivement Bonne de Luxembourg, le ro… Machaut survived the Black Death that devastated Europe, and spent his later years living in Reims composing and supervising the creation of his complete-works manuscripts.     To a love life, and to happiness, I bid goodbye. This article presents a complete list of the musical works of Guillaume de Machaut.Works are organized by genre. chansons & motets. R1 - Dous viaire gracieus (trois voix) R2 - Helas ! Probably educated in Reims, he entered the service of John of Luxembourg, King of Bohemia, as a royal secretary, c.1323. pour quoy virent/Libera me". A few works exist to commemorate a particular event, such as M18, "Bone Pastor/Bone Pastor/Bone Pastor." Guillaume de Machaut im Portrait Biografie. In his poetry and in his life Machaut shows himself conscious of his lowly origin but also of his worth. Diese Messe von Machaut ist – wie die Kathedrale von Paris – der Jungfrau Maria gewidmet. Guillaume de Machaut, Le Vray remède d’Amour, par l’Ensemble Gilles Binchois. For the crater, see, By Guillaume de Machaut, midi instrumental version, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, List of compositions by Guillaume de Machaut, Peter of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem and of Cyprus, "A Love Affair That Burned for Centuries, at Least in Song", "Machaut [Machau, Machault], Guillaume de", Journal of the American Musicological Society, International Music Score Library Project, The Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music, Messe de Nostre Dame – Public Domain Recording,, Articles containing Old French (842-ca. Personen (16) Guillaume de Machaut (2) György Kurtag (1) Elisabeth Schmierer (1) Heinz Holliger (1) Lukas Langlotz (1) Percy Grainger (1) Rudolf Wagner-Regeny (1) Walter Gieseking Sampler (5) Alte Musik:Von den Anfängen bis zur Renaissance (5) Chormusik (5) Kammermusik für verschiedene Ensembles (4) Kammermusik für Violine & Viola (1) Kammermusik für verschiedene Instrumente Genres: Ars nova, Medieval Classical Music. Guillaume de Machaut, né à Machault, à quelque 39 kilomètres de Reims en Champagne, vers 1300 et mort à Reims en 1377, était le plus célèbre écrivain et compositeur français du xive siècle. Guillaume de Machaut: Motets The Hilliard Ensemble (Künstler), Guillaume de Mauchaut (Künstler) Format: Audio CD. His poem Le voir dit (probably 1361–1365) purports to recount a late love affair with a 19-year-old girl, Péronne d'Armentières, although the accuracy of the work as autobiography is contested. Ces rondeaux sont polyphoniques, sept sont à deux voix, douze à trois voix et deux à quatre voix. Guillaume de Machaut 1300 - 1377. Hoquetus David. Preis: 11,10 € Preisangaben inkl. Il était considéré comme le plus grand musicien européen par ses confrères de l'époque. Which is that never will I have another lover. Guillaume de Machaut (sometimes spelled Machault; c. 1300–April 1377) was a medieval French poet and composer.

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