The 10th season of the show aired from October 20, 2015 to December 8, 2015 on M6. It was produced by Sébastien Zibi. Gilbert Rozon, Sophie Edelstein and Dave all returned as judges. Les finalistes en compétition ! This season attracted an average of 4.3 million viewers. The show, presented by Jérôme Anthony, showcased behind-the-scenes footage and conversations with the contestants. [5], La France a un incroyable talent (series 1), La France a un incroyable talent (series 2), La France a un incroyable talent (series 3), International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo, La France a un incroyable talent (series 4), La France a un incroyable talent (series 5), La France a un incroyable talent (series 6), La France a un incroyable talent (series 7), La France a un incroyable talent (series 8), La France a un incroyable talent (series 9), La France a un incroyable talent (series 10), La France a un incroyable talent (series 11), La France a un incroyable talent (series 12), La France a un incroyable talent (series 13), La France a un incroyable talent (series 14), La France a un incroyable talent (series 15), List of French adaptations of television series from other countries,, "La France a un incroyable talent: La saison 14 démarre le 22 octobre sur M6", "La France a un incroyable talent, la bataille du jury : finalistes, concept, équipes… Toutes les infos sur l'émission de M6", "Qui a remporté "La France a un incroyable talent: la bataille du jury"? Accompagnée de sa marionnette Eliott, elle a interprété magistralement le titre « Comme des enfants » de Coeur de pirate. She was a finalist on the season and, while she did not win the show, she has since had a successful musical career. La France a un incroyable talent (English: France's Got Incredible Talent), previously known as Incroyable Talent, is a French TV show, based on the Got Talent series. The final was watched by 3.7 million people, and the largest audience was 4.2 million viewers, during the first semi-final. Alex Goude returned as a presenter of the show, but Sandrine Corman was replaced by Louise Ekland. Jean-Pierre Domboy was replaced by Patrick Dupond. The runner-up was soccer ball juggler Iya Traoré, who was a professional soccer player. Each judge chose a team of six contestants, which included five contestants from previous seasons of La France a un incroyable talent and one contestant from an international version of the series, including acts from Britain's Got Talent and America's Got Talent. Face au jury composé de Marianne … This season was produced by Massimo Manganaro. The winner of the season was dance group Les Échos-Liés, who received €100,000 and the opportunity to go on tour with magician Arturo Brachetti. Éric Antoine, Hélène Ségara, Marianne James and Sugar Sammy all returned as judges. The final was watched by over 4.3 million viewers with a peak audience of 5.1 million at 22:35. The 2nd season of the show aired from November 6, 2007 to December 11, 2007 on M6. Additionally, the Dutch singer Dave joined the judging panel. Lorie, Olivier Sitruk and Giuliano Peparini were replaced by Hélène Segara, Kamel Ouali and Éric Antoine. Sophie Edelstein returned as a judge, after having left the judging panel during season 4. Après 8 semaines de compétition, c’est la ventriloque Le Cas Pucine qui a été élue Incroyable talent 2019, succédant ainsi à Jean-Baptiste Guégan. ",, French television series based on British television series, Articles needing translation from French Wikipedia, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This was the first Got Talent season that was won by Salah, who also won the 4th season of Arab's Got Talent in 2014. This was the first season in the history of the show where Gilbert Rozon was not included as a judge due to him stepping down from the position after several sexual harassment allegations were filed against him[2]. Alex Goude and Sandrine Corman remained as the TV presenters of the show. This season featured a new format for the Got Talent series. Alex Goude and Sandrine Corman returned as the TV presenters of the show. Mais aussi, la ventriloque Le Cas Pucine et le « poétologue » Louÿs de Belleville qui avait impressionné Philippe Katerine. The 9th season of the show aired from December 9, 2014 to January 27, 2015 on M6. The winner of the season was ventriloquist Le Cas Pucine, and the runner-up was stand-up comedian Valentin Reinehr. Ce mardi 10 décembre, M6 diffusait en direct la grande finale de la quatorzième édition de La France a un incroyable talent présentée par David Ginola. David Ginola returned as the TV presenter of the show. The winner of the season was dancer Junior, who received the €150,000 prize.
The 12th season of the show aired from November 16, 2017 to December 14, 2017 on M6 with judges Éric Antoine, Hélène Ségara and Kamel Ouali. [4] The winner of the season and the €100,000 prize was motorcyclist Kenny Thomas from team Hélène Ségara, who had previously finished in 4th place on season 11 of La France a un incroyable talent. Face au jury composé de Marianne James, Hélène Ségara, Eric Antoine et Sugar Sammy, les treize finalistes ont alors interprété leur tout dernier numéro dans un but unique : convaincre les téléspectateurs de voter pour eux et remporter la somme de 100 000 euros ! Ce mardi 10 décembre, M6 diffusait en direct la grande finale de la quatorzième édition de La France a un incroyable talent présentée par David Ginola. The winner of the season was shadow dance group Die Mobilés. The winner was singer Jean-Baptiste Guegan, and the runner-up was dance duo Dakota & Nadia. The panel of judges for the show included 2 new members: Marianne James (singer) and Sugar Sammy (comedian). The winner of the season was magician Antonio Bembibre, and the runner-up was singer Mickaël Dos Santos. However, Sophie Edelstein, Dave and Andrée Deissenberg were replaced by singer Lorie, comedian and actor Olivier Sitruk and Italian choreographer Giuliano Peparini. The 8th season of the show aired from October 15, 2013 to December 10, 2013 on M6. The average audience of the show was 3,835,000 viewers. Tous ces candidats « golden buzzés » étaient également opposés à l’artiste de cirque Emi Vauthey, le duo fou Dirabi, les deux acrobates émouvants The Owl and the pussycat, la jeune chanteuse Marilou, l’acrobate Tiago Eusebio mais aussi le chanteur Damien Kaym. À la tête d'une formation qu'ils ont eux-mêmes constituée et coachée, nos quatre jurés ont réuni ce qui s'est fait de mieux sur La France a un incroyable Talent pour une bataille qui s'annonce épique ! The 3rd season of the show aired from October 2, 2008 to November 13, 2008 on M6. This season was presented by Alex Goude and Sandrine Corman, who replaced Alessandra Sublet, the host of the previous three seasons. However, Dave was replaced by French composer and actor André Manoukian for part of the third episode while the singer participated in a concert. The 13th season started being broadcast during October 2018. Alex Goude returned as the sole presenter of the show. [1] It debuted on M6 on 2 November 2006, presented by Alessandra Sublet. The winner of the season was comedic singer and guitarist Laura Laune, and the runner-up was dance group Soda Crew.
Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. Après 8 semaines de compétition, c’est la ventriloque Le Cas Pucine qui a été élue Incroyable talent 2019, succédant ainsi à Jean-Baptiste Guégan. The judging panel consisted of Gilbert Rozon, Sophie Edelstein and Jean-Pierre Domboy. Gilbert Rozon returned as a judge on the show. The grand prize was €150,000 and was won by dancer Salah Benlemqawanssa. Éric Antoine, Hélène Ségara, Marianne James and Sugar Sammy all returned as judges. The winner of the season was orchestra Bagad de Vannes Melinerion, and the runner-up was opera singer Marianne. Gilbert Rozon and Sophie Edelstein both returned as judges on the show. Iya also later competed on the CBS television series The World's Best in 2019, where he was eliminated in the auditions. Gilbert Rozon, Sophie Edelstein and Dave all returned as judges on the show. Au terme de cette grande soirée riche en rire et en émotions, c’est la jeune ventriloque Le Cas Pucine qui a été sacrée incroyable talent 2019. The 11th season of the show aired from October 25, 2016 to December 13, 2016 on M6. The winner of the season was pole acrobat Simon Huelle, and the runner-up was light-up dance group Infanlim, who perform in a similar style to that of the notable America's Got Talent contestant Light Balance. The first season of the show attracted 5 million viewers. Alex Goude and Sandrine Corman remained as the TV presenters of the show. The season had an average audience of 3,657,000 viewers. Après un face à face avec l’humoriste Valentin Reinehr, elle a finalement remporté la majorité des suffrages et repart avec un chèque de 100.000 euros lui assurant un très bon début de carrière. The winner of the season was dog act Juliette & Charlie, and the runner-up was singer Naestro (real name Nabil Rachdi), who used to be a boxer. David Ginola returned as the TV presenter of the show. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. Parmi les finalistes, on a pu retrouver Valentin Reinehr, jeune humoriste bègue de 26 ans qui avait ému les téléspectateurs et le jury, les quatre jeunes danseuses Booboo Beproud, le duo Yoherlandy et Rahmane, les contorsionnistes Troy et Ess, la troupe de danse The Revolutionnary. The runner-up was child ventriloquist Nans. The 14th season began on October 22, 2019. David Ginola remained as the TV presenter of the show. Alessandra Sublet returned as the TV presenter of the show. [3], The 15th season began on June 23, 2020. The final was watched by 3.7 million people, and the largest audience was 4.2 million viewers, during the first semi-final. Gilbert Rozon, Sophie Edelstein and Patrick Dupond all returned as judges. The 6th season of the show aired from October 19, 2011 to December 14, 2011 on M6. This season marked the change of the series' name from Incroyable Talent to La France a un incroyable talent. The winner of the season was fire artist Alexander, who received €100,000. The runner-up of the season was breakdancer Skorpion. The winner of the season was child dance duo Axel & Alizée, who received €100,000 and a trip to Montreal to represent France at the Just for Laughs festival. The 4th season of the show aired from November 24, 2009 to December 30, 2009 on M6. The 5th season of the show aired from November 3, 2010 to December 22, 2010 on M6. In addition, during the final, pole acrobat Dominic Lacasse was offered an appearance at the International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo by Princess Stéphanie of Monaco. Gilbert Rozon, Hélène Segara, Kamel Ouali and Éric Antoine all returned as judges on the show. The judging panel consisted of producer Gilbert Rozon, actress and director Valérie Stroh, and comedian Smaïn. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
. Gilbert Rozon remained as a judge on the show. The third episode of the season gathered 5.03 million viewers, making it the most-watched episode since the launch of the first season in 2006.
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