I can't see Ridley pissin on the original space jockey from alien especially as that is 1 of the mysterious things about the original. With no alternative, the survivors elect to try and stop him while Janek stays behind to try and fix the.In the aftermath, Watts is contacted by David, who tells her that it is likely the Engineers will come to investigate. The black goo, which has two modes (creation and destruction) serves as this "fire". Its a theme that is followed in a lot of Religions and Mythos and some on a multiple level. In the book there is a real emphasis that he is pointing a rifle at David through out deeply sceptical of him and building on the remark about the devil.Some might say "ah the Engineers did create the Egg" but everything else in that sequence suggests David harnessed that particular outcome for the pathogen after years of study and experiments. He then leads him into the scene we see in the movie but Oram is now more relaxed because he has seen an Egg already. We will be competing for same finite resources and what happens when we have such a divide? The Pathogen gives him the answer he can achieve this in the third person. Caveat, my list of great movies is probably is different to your list. I can understand if he decides to protect himself from certain actions. I had the feeling that the Engineers which happen to be my greatest curiosity in this whole series may just be a pawn or like he said a link in the chain. The "crazed A.I." etc. Can you expand a bit?I will give some motivation for you IH so you see why I have some doubts.David is not really alone. He loved Shaw.What do you think? I know this is late to this thread but I had a wildly speculative epiphany while watching the show again. In fact, it was expected to be explained why and how he got to hate in the first place. Perhaps. In my opinion,the Engineer race isn't extinct,but rather endangered. They tried it with Prometheus, but in all in my opinion it did not live up to anyones expectations and felt kind of lame. He has his children. I don't mind mixing some creation elements into the story, after all that is a great source for existential horror, but I would like to keep some science in this science fiction franchise.I'm 50:50 this might be wrong bait by the old joker. Perhaps, I should be content with the simplistic idea given in the beginning of the Covenant.But Ridley Scott was capable of producing a perfect film. With that single requirement, instruction. It could be very well that it was this that was stolen by the Engineers from the "gods". In the novelisation David talks about how priorities change and it faded but that is deeply dissatisfying and makes the build up of momentum in their relationship in Prometheus and The Crossing end in a vacuum. Why would it sway David? Wow this makes me happy. Das umfassende Angebot von Tata.to wirft aber rechtliche Fragen auf.Der Schöpfer der Sci-Fi-Horrors hat sich in einem Podcast zur Zukunft seiner berühmten Reihe geäußert.Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält kino.de ggf. It doesn't explain, though, the DNA match between us and them, or the scene where the Engineer is supposedly creating humanity.Excellent Chris!I'm not entirely sure where i stand on the engineers and humanity,but I've long since banished the idea that they are responsible for the xenomorph.Nowhere in that interview does it say the engineers didn't create humans, only the aliens. The Engineers, also known as Pilots (after the individual discovered on LV-426), Space Jockeys, Ossians or Mala'kak, are an ancient extraterrestrial species of unknown origin. @Gee W there are LOTS of recent references with RS saying this series is about evolution.The Xeno is a weapon of mass destruction. I have heard people describe David as cool I return to my first observation I could not care less now. Providing the latest official and accurate information on Alien: Covenant, this website contains links to every set video, viral video, commercial, trailer, poster, movie still and screenshot available. Und warum sieht er die Xenomorphs als die überlegenere Existenzstufe an und nicht die Neomorphs? Rather than simply observe that substantial amounts of the narrative momentum of Prometheus are missing or that David is now a one dimensional mad robot I prefer to go further and say and here is what in my view would be much better. Was ist mit Daniels? It was weird.I hope they don't use Hr giger' art and ideas in these films. Evidence is with Lindeloffs draft compared to Prometheus movie .. even when you add in the deleted scenes.So its a case of waiting and seeing, and i guess also what the ADF Prequel book covers... but ultimately unless any of the latter Drafts by Micheal Green come to light i guess we would never know if this information was 100%,I will say the same Source passed on information about Transcendence like 6-9 months before any trailers hit and what was passed on was 80% Accurate... so seems there information is connected between that movie and work on Prometheus 2 Pre Alien Covenant Re-write.Please don't let it be David... it's got to be the space jockey!! But how can you trust this psycopathic AI displaying a will of his own? In short, he is crippled, he lacks free will. And the explanation better be a reasonably good one. However I would add, and its part of the story telling, both his mechanical and philosophical self is not only capable of elements of humanity as a result of his programming but he is also capable of wear and tear and the acquisition of emotional capital.This plays into the scene with Walter. As Iggi they were the chosen race to populate planets by the hierarchy (the teardrop ship occupants). How do those questions apply to them? . Als Ridley Scott 2012 mit dem Alien-Prequel „Prometheus“ den Ursprung der Alienrasse andeutete, blieben viele Fans ratlos zurück. I do think he or the crash of the Juggernaught mutated the environment of that planet though.I never thought the engineers created the xenomorphs. But...David is seeking perfection, and finds it in Xenomorphs? And as far as he is concerned he has her in bis memories. If he does does, he have incentives to do something about it? But I got hooked on the Alien franchise becoz of Prometheus. The movie is bad in a way there are too many unfilled holes and its kind of all over the place. And he is irresponsible. The story eventually evolved into the spin-off film Prometheus. Which means the LV-223 Engineers could have got infected with some Parasite that leads to something related to the Xeno-strain that made those LV-223 Engineers go..."wow what is this" and be so fascinated by it that they chose to Sacrifice the results to becoming the New DNA of Choice for their Seeding Ships/Bombers.I will add the RS Empire Interview RS brings up Mass Ritual Sacrifices from the Mayans and Incas... and the whole Hanger Shot in AC does look like Buddha offering Statues.So that certainly could mean this was the role those beings on Paradise was meant for... which if some Rebelled against this task, would certainly give us a different Faction.. and fit with the Rebellion Story we see with Satan/David and indeed mankind has with the Engineers.... and put a Rebelling Engineers as Fallen Angels simply because they rebelled against the cause/purpose of their creation by the Hierarchy.Thanks for that upload... this looks very much like one of HR Gigers Concepts..I have just speed read your points and will look respond to properly later. Welche Richtung dieser einschlagen wird, scheint aber noch vollkommen offen und nicht zuletzt davon abhängig zu sein, wer die Leitung auf dem Regiestuhl übernimmt. I don’t really care about who.Those that are on the top of it must be made interesting or else this will be a letdown it seems to me. Besides, Michelle, you realize you are projecting humanity on to David, your own personal expectations on David. They again needed each other's cooperation to get out of the LV223. David stole it and called it his own. David's wear and tear needs to be explored in the next movie and if as Ridley has said this is quite complicated story "who made the Engineers" we need an intervention which is both thought provoking and has real jeopardy for David. Predator storyline ... and good riddance.Time will tell what Ridley has in the works, but I've faith that the best is yet to come. Although we know some Engineers didn't like that and stopped LV223 (bio experimental staging ground) from destroying earth.Side note...I am curious if those rebel Engineers had interactions with humans and as others have speculated is tied into long believed religions we have and saviors? I think the space jockeys created the engineers and tried 2 wipe them out much like the engineers tried with humanity.. Their technology turned on them and ended up in the engineers hands it turned on them and ended up in our hands and so on...I can't wait to watch the movie now. Those above the Engineers are widespread and Paradise is just like their Headquarters within this Galaxy.We were also told that the beings above the Engineers and Humans have the ability to affect climates and essentially the cores of planets - manipulating gravitational forces, to elicit massive scale natural disasters and alterations.Our sources hinted at that the Great Floods and Ice Ages reported in Bibical scripture were actually a manipulated phenomenon by those above the Engineers and that they use this technology to transform worlds and reset ecosystems.Beyond what our own sources relayed to us, we can only speculate that these Humanoids are somehow in competition with one another, vying for dominance of the universe. This begs the question of why humanity doesn't share the same physiology?The Engineers are taller, faster and far stronger than we are, and their skin tone is unlike ours. So, to David he is a deplorable one, just like for some of us SJWs are deplorable. This can´t have a happy end...Well guys we cant take the information as 100%.Its only what the Source hinted at 2 years ago... that Chris has brought to life now because those comments by Ridley Scott seem to back up what was said 2 years ago.As far as the other 3-4 Species and a Predator.. well yes in Fire and Stone maybe... but in the movie franchise i dont think Ridley Scott is going to have Predators in it.The Source claimed we are 4th or 5th Generation hinting that we are a Genetic Evolution of Previous versions of us, if we look at the Evolution image again..They are suggesting there is no Ape in our Evolution but beings related to those on Paradise are part of our Evolution, The Ape Evolution image we see as we move from Stage 2 to 6 we see the beings become more Human and Grow in Size.Maybe The Engineers are in-place of the Ape or Stage 2-3 and each Evolution the beings get smaller in size?Certainly seems some Engineers or other beings in Alien Covenant are smaller than the intended 9-10 foot Engineers in Prometheus... that actually was 7.5ft and then the Space Jockey is like 13-15ft tall.So it could be just multiple versions of Humanoids that differ in size.The Norse Mythos we have the Battle of the Gods.Now you're talking! They eventually find him wandering aimlessly with no real memory of what happened to him; they take him back to the ship. I have no idea how it will play out in future, but running around with such premises and look into future and make judgements based on such premises is a bit premature and naive. They aren't sociopathic adolescents, robot droogs. Seit Alien: Covenant vor zwei Jahren in die Kinos gebracht wurde, herrscht Unklarheit darüber, wie es in Zukunft mit der Alien-Reihe weitergeht.Die Fortsetzung zu Prometheus blieb damals mit weltweiten Einnahmen von rund 240 Millionen Dollar deutlich hinter den Erwartungen zurück, spielte gerade einmal die Hälfte des Vorgängers ein. Would it be so odd to ask why they failed to place any safeguards on their own bio-weapon stockpiles?Remember, this is a race obsessed with playing God and seeding other planets with life. I remember when Shaw and them opened the goo chamber the weather went to hell instantly. Even if these new editions to the storyline were airtight with everything we've seen so far, i'm feeling like it's going be TOO complicated a set up, and will ruin the story, and probably also, technically-speaking, the franchise once and for all.You should never overcomplicate! What is the reason for life...? Actually I think its the other way round. Wish you the very best. The engineered pathogen serves to cleanse the corruption of it's origin. In other words, what is the first thing that turned David to become evil. There is nothing in either book or film to suggest the Engineers on the Home world were involved in any activity which might create an xxx121. But it makes the most sense. Who is selfish/arrogant and irresponsible in this case? Each creator fails to allow their creations free will and freedom of outcomes, they must conform to their creators vision. With Danny the results are much more tragic when she discovers the scrolls which show Elizabeth and the birthing of both the trilobite and the evolved egg she assumes David is responsible for both and confronts him. Why would he suddenly want to dominate?Does David has some concept of fairness? Clearly aliens were around before David created them! By all means, David is superior life form. so it does suggest engineer interference at the least . Die Neomorphs sind viel schneller, effizienter und können sich über Sporen in der Luft verbreiten ganz ohne lästige Facehugger und Eier. Let us know in the comments below.If you're a fan of Alien / Prometheus and would like to discuss Alien: Covenant and its upcoming sequel with other like-minded fans, be sure to join in our,As we await the next Alien movie, now is a great time to build your Alien collection and expand your Alien-themed wardrobe. eine Provision vom Händler, z.B. because we see the Covenant flying over the same mountains and lakes that we see in that scene in PROMETHEUS.one thing that contradicts this whole "theory" is the fact about humans and engineers sharing the same DNA in PROMETHEUS.The Murals that we see in Prometheus that show face huggers attached to their host's and of a Deacon looking Alien. They are chased by the adult neomorph to the city which makes sense of them trusting the mysterious stranger, it is an imperative. It is not obvious.However, what if humans play with the genome and create a small ethnogroup of homo sapiens 2.0 of say 1000 strong, who are smarter, taller have less mutations, live longer and exclude all the deceases and genes that predispose humans to certain ailments, in other words, we create better life form. Before that time being hostile towards us, they waited until humanity is ready again for space travel. I think so.So, I really do not understand how he got to hate, as you see.Also I do not buy that he is all that affected by wear and tear. An early hominid got infected with the Engineer's dna according to Sphait's script.I still think that the idea of the Engineers being the creators of the xenomorphs is the hypothesis that would best explain the origin of these aliens because of a single reason: the anatomy of the xenomorphs and the Juggernaut design (both designed by HR Giger) indicates that they are work of the same creator...We have to remember that the title "Prometheus" has important meaning in this franchise. We found Earth hundreds of thousands years ago and decided to stay here for generations in the hope we can have a peaceful life and stay away from the galactic war where we are involved in and where the higher beings can’t find us, until they found us and cause the Ice Ages and the Great Flood in the hope to wipe us out for good, but we survived. There is the merest hint that Elizabeth was trying to escape (looking over her shoulder anxiously as she manipulates the controls) but the cold hearted way he describes his arc with Elizabeth is not nuanced but the behaviour of a mad robot contradicting or at best disposing of the David whom accompanied Elizabeth in the crossing. David had a friend, but maybe he didn't care. Providing the latest official and accurate information on Alien: Covenant, this website contains links to every set video, viral video, commercial, trailer, poster, movie still and screenshot available. .My big question(s) now then is who exactly was wanting to destroy us and why? I think he wipes them out in part due to Shaw's empathy having a huge effect on him and views this as superior to the engineers cold and methodical cycle of creation and genocide of life. What for? I like the idea of the unknown, besides the fact that the first Alien movie was so well done , i feel that mystery that was introduced in 1979 is why so many people are drawn to this cinematic universe. The first time I read the comment in question - for some reason I missed that you were providing what you felt would be a much better narrative. Not having all the answers is sometimes better than spelling things out with all loose ends tied up, it lets our imaginations run wild and opens up countless conversations and opinions ...such as me and my friends have had over the years about this film universe.No. As it is, if you do not intervene, the train will go on one of the tracks which will lead to several people working on tracks who will not be able to escape the imminent death should the train come their way, the other track leads to an innocent man who will also will not be able to escape his fate should the train go his way.Does such a question even make sense to David? Given that he has no beef and investment (bias) to pick one side or the other. Prometheus stole "fire" from the gods to give to mankind, as knowledge. I feel this exploration of artificial intelligience is much more worthy than SJW stories in space :).Creating 'any' life is selfish, arrogant and irresponsible.Designing a procreative lifeform to destroy and replace an existing species is counter productive ... and also selfish, arrogant and irresponsible.David can neither kill outright, nor kill himself. Either their technology started off at hyperspeed, only to slow to a snail's pace for the better part of Earth's existence, or they have enemies who progressed at an identical bell-curve. The tragedy being that Danny is wrong and David once again sees the cruelty of mankind. he's dong and does what he does best and that is going with what he knows in his head with the story and not try to answer to all his fans chatter..I'm very glad and now satisfied he said what he said here in this interview. Can't believe how cool that novel is and what we got on film. There was no pathogen or examples of it before he arrived, all of the observations and studies he makes are based on what he brings with the horror of the Pathogen.The key story gifts of the Engineers are they are arrogant and hubristic and want their creations to conform to their visions. and there were no engineers up on those floating platforms or in space near by?! . The planet had at least one large city populated by the Engineers. Good, because too long they have been sticking to the old ways: nepotism, conservatism to the point of archaism and with less and less thought provoking material. Perhaps the xenomorph came into creation through the mechanical parts of a Weyland android crossed with whatever the hell that black goo can do or what David 8 is able to do using a neomorph? In my honest opinion i never liked the idea of AVP, each has its own tone and setting and they elements that make each entertaining do not work well with each other. So perhaps in Shaw he saw a kindred spirit that he could count his equal.David knew by that time that those engineers were no better than him. There is no doubt there are narrative anomalies through Prometheus, Crossing and Covenant but that doesn't stop me understanding why this particular robot destroyed the Engineers. Devastated, lost her partner and almost her belief, she was ready to die anyway. I feel sure ADF will deal with this but the decision to "be creative" is part of his programming but not part of his person in that particular regard. Also, do not take anything as an insult from me, as english is not my first language and partly because of my crude command of it I might come across as brash and harsh without actually realising it. "If thats what you believe then I will fulfil your lies". In fact you will lose nothing if you skip the Covenant and go directly from Prometheus to the next movie.After reading a ton of comments on here - I have determined that you are my favorite commentator. Rather I thought their species was the first ever created by God, if you will. Alien-Covenant.com is an information resource for film enthusiasts looking to learn more about the upcoming blockbuster Alien: Covenant.
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