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Après la version audio, voici la version des Leaks Ultramarines épisode 5, retranscrite. [**Axe of Medusa:** Iron hands only. I so happen to have some bikers modeled as GK back when. Aujourd’hui, on n’a pas de relations très fortes avec nos clubs. Unless you're playing against a 7th ed-style Formation list, the majority of the Shooting you face is D 1, so arguing that a marginally more resilient set of units is somehow at a disadvantage because multi-damage shots are more meaningful against them is a bit much. I'm still counting how long it'll take for Minimarines to realise that Primaris are Marines now and they are not getting anything else. Episode 3 (partie 1) : "La presse et les Girondins, le cas Sud Ouest" (audio) #Girondins #KingStreetOut À lire ici : I haven't bought any since 3rd or 4th edition, but they pretty much look the same. Tiens, je vais vous en dire une, sur Trémoulinas. Jubal and Severax had no models and were neglected for a long time. Of the armies you listed, GK and Sisters are the only ones I would call "major" factions (and even those only barely.) Quand tu l’as, que tu as ouvert et que tu te dis : j’essaie de l’enlever : « Ah ben non putain, il est attaché dedans et bon … Tu fais avec ». Way too niche of a role compared to the other weapons you could be taking. Range 24″ Type Rapid Fire 2, S5(? Donc on tourne, on vire, on cherche…”, Yacine Adli : “Lui aussi essaye, tente des trucs, change… On est tous un peu encore dans le flou”, Patrick Vieira : “C’est un exemple pour tous ces jeunes joueurs qui veulent devenir footballeur professionnel parce qu’il a une conduite extraordinaire sur et en dehors du terrain”, Jean-Louis Gasset : “C’est logique quand vous voyez votre noms tous les jours dans les journaux, quand votre agent vous appelle…”. “These two new codexes will be available for you to buy in October – stay tuned for more previews and more new model reveals in the coming weeks.”. Le groupe de supporters des Ultramarines Bordeaux 1987 dévoile quotidiennement des enregistrements compromettants mettant en cause le président délégué, Frédéric Longuépée, ainsi que le responsable de la billetterie, Antony Thiodet. Gravis models count as 2. Well it's either burst or plasma, and for 1pt per gun more the plasmas do have higher expected damage output vs all targets tougher than GEq. >Ironhail Heavy Stubber : 36: Heavy 3, S4, -1, 1. Bike 25 (was 31) In addition, during deployment you can set up this unit if it is equipped with grapnel launchers behind enemy lines instead of placing it on the battlefield. In addition within 6″ of the bearer, friendly Adeptus Astartes models automatically pass Morale test while enemy units subtract 1 from their Leadership Characteristic. Yup, that's me, a connoisseur of robot ankles. (He does return in Dark Imperium which is set afterwards, but he still remains with the Victrix Guard). Can replace both with flamestorm gauntlets. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. / **Flamecraft**(1cp): Use this Stratagem just before a Salamanders unit attacks in the Shooting phase. Hellstorm guantlets are assault 6 18″ range bolters. Ça veut dire que dans un an, il est bien armé, si on ne rend pas le service qui est prévu à ressortir dans la presse et à dire : Regardez-moi ces salopards, ils m’ont pris 3 000 euros et il n’y a rien en face ! Voici le nouvel enregistrement des Leaks Ultramarines, intitulé "le sens des affaires". To forget one's defeats and bask in hubris may be the way of the Ultramarines, but not the Imperial Fists. A un moment donné, il faut abandonner”, Fouad Chafik : “Il faudra aller chercher cette première victoire à Bordeaux juste avant la trêve internationale”, Gaëtan Huard : “J’identifie deux besoins”, Yacine Adli : “A Lens la semaine dernière, je fais cette erreur qui coûte un carton rouge et un pénalty. Add 1 to the wound rolls made for all of that units flame weapons. I only ever use one stormraven (only bought one, and I'm not one for spamming). I also know they were ignored on some things). «Elle sera très certainement ravie d’enquêter sur ces enregistrements. (was 102) Ultramarines:-The 2nd Company is now commanded by Captain Acheron since Cato Sicarius was sent away to be part of Guilliman's Victrix Guard. The ankles are still kinda awful (though slightly improved), but the model as a whole is scaled up a bit and has been resculpted for better detail and more customizability (multiple different heads/torsos, etc.) Mais il a une attachée de presse qui est la même que Ludovic Obraniak, qui est la même que Christophe Dugarry, qui est la même que Joe DaGrosa, qui est la même que Jacques d’Arrigo… J’en viens même à me dire que c’est peut-être aussi la même que Florian Brunet. I think they want to make Kor'sarro Khan chapter master of the White Scars like they made Shrike head of the Raven Guard. GW releases Space Marines. >Flamestorm Gauntlets (Shooting) 8″, Assault 2D6, S4, 0, 1. Les Ultramarines viennent de publier le Chapitre 1 de leurs leaks concernant les enregistrements du “Conseil des membres” des Girondins de Bordeaux. « Sur les relations avec les clubs, on a voulu là aussi faire quelque chose de structurant. Intercessors can threaten to 30", it's true, but their weapons are so mediocre that "threat" is pretty minimal- Necrons output the same firepower for half the price. Ad Mech have 11, and they were releaseed as two factions. Until the end of the phase, that vehicle can ignore the penalties of moving and firing a Heavy weapon, or for Advancing and firing an Assault weapon. Love the possible loadouts. On a 4+, the unit being rolled for suffers D3 mortal wounds. Defenders of humanity is a huge boost for marines. They have an average of 4 shots, higher str, and can overcharge if they need to. You may roll a D6 every time it suffers a mortal wound from a psychic power, on a 4+ that wound is ignored. It's not like we didn't know this? Most of them, Aggressors aside, bring decent ranged Strength and AP. Hunter 80??? Le défenseur dijonnais Fouad Chafik s’est exprimé sur le match nul de Dijon face à Montpellier,... Gaëtan Huard, dans Sud Ouest, et des suites du match nul entre les Girondins de Bordeaux... Yacine Adli s’est exprimé sur sa marge de progression quant au fait de simplifier son jeu.... Eric Huet a donné son avis sur un éventuel intérêt pour Hatem Ben Arfa de venir... Sortie hier de la pelouse, évacuée du stade sur civière, Charlotte Bilbault va mieux. (and with rerolls, are unlikely to suffer for it). Did they adjust the stormravens at all? Tyranids: 38. The bearer adds 1 to their psychic test when attempting to manifest the smite power. And then they probably just hostage the kroot, and you're in a worse spot than having broadsides touched. You exaggerate, brother. **Raven’s Fury:**  Raven Guard Jump Pack model only. Harlequins have 4 non character units and 4 character units You won't get to use the stratagems all that often with only 7 CP though. I'm being a little…overwrought…as you say about the Primaris because I think they are a terrible addition to the game, with poorly thought out fluff (not only in that it doesn't fit with the Imperium as is, but because the focus on the Primaris means that this Age of Chaos feels like Chaos is not a threat), as well as adding to the already MASSIVELY overexagerrated focus on the Space Marines. So can someone tell me how inceptors are not just better crisis suits? Seems pretty spot-on to me. **The Salamanders Mantle:** Salamanders model only. Je vais vous raconter encore une autre chose. **The Primarch’s Wrath:** Models with boltgun or master-crafted boltgun only. Eldar, Drukhari: 34 Les Girondins... Les semaines passent et se ressemblent. Commander is new. Their fluff is absymal, and they keep bringing out more and more of them (They have more units now than a lot of the other factions, and they are supposed to be an addition to a faction? **Strike from the Shadows** (1cP): Use this Strategem when you can set up a Raven Guard Infantry unit during deployment. **** *** attacks **** themselves generating any further attacks  (Defines boltguns blah blah, Pedro’s special weapon counts). To be fair, even with my anti Primaris bias, aren't Crisis Suits just bad? We actually have better access to rerolls than SM do, at least in terms of avoiding overheats. I also wondered why do a combo-force of Blood Angels and Ultramarines in a single picture? **Psychic Scourge:** Warp charge value of 6. Nous vous suggérons d’ailleurs de leur remettre vous-même, puisque vous possédez ces huit heures d’enregistrement. Leaks Ultramarines. Add 1 to the result if the unit being rolled for has 10 or more models, but subtract 1 if the unit rolled for is a character. Auto hits. Quick math on Sternguard – 10 men with Stormbolter: Loves the Rhino, loves the crusader more , Loves multidamage weapons, hates cheap weapons, Sorry Aggressors, i’m with the Sternguard…. That’ll bring us to a mere 1,600 Points (PL 82, 7 CP)…, 1,999 Points / 111 Power Level / 7 Command Points. So…yeah, Stupid Name Floaty Unit is better than them, but…, I kinda just assume that the Tau will be getting new Crisis Suits with their upcoming codex. White Scars: Warlord’s charge moves cause 1 mortal wound of on 4+, Imperial Fists: Units within 6″ of Warlord give cover to weapons with -1 AP, Crimson Fists: D3 bonus attacks if Warlord more than 10 enemy models within 6″, Oathkeeper: 6″ Heroic Intervention for Warlord, Raven Guard: Enemy Units cannot fire Overwatch again Warlord, Iron Hands: 6+ hits cause an additional attack for Warlord, Relic Crusader Helm: Increases aura abilities by 3″, Relic Tome of Malcador: Additional Psychic Power, Black Templar Warlord Trait: Heroic Intervention 6″. But as of today, Primaris are mostly trash so I'm not unduly concerned. It can take an addition inbuilt heavy stubber.Many weapons you can look up in the dreadnought entryIcarus Heavy Stubber: 36″ heavy 3, S4, -1, 1 damage. A Crisis gets more shots and more hits than an Inceptor in either configuration for roughly the same price- Burst vs megapistol is 5 expected hits vs. 4, and Plasma vs. If supercharged, takes 1 mortal wound for each 1 to hit.Icarus Rocket Pod: Heavy D3, 24″, S7, -1 1 damage. Girondins4Ever est un site de fan des Girondins de Bordeaux non officiel, qui existe sur la toile depuis 2004, ayant vocation à rassembler les fans du club de foot du FCGB. Now, how can we stuff a Battalion in there? Dataline Telemetry Stratagem: 1CP If a land speeder is within 12″ of a whirldwind’s target the whirlwind hits automatically, Hellfire Shells Stratagem: 1CP A heavy bolter can shoot once and if hits does D3, Flamecraft Stratagem: 1CP Pick a Salamander unit +1 to wound with flamers, Strike from the Shadows Stratagem: 1CP A Ravenguard Infantry unit can deploy in reserves, Machine Empathy Stratagem: 1CP Iron Hands Vehicle can ignore heavy weapon penalty, or advancing with Assault, Bolter Drill Stratagem: 1CP Imperial Fist Infantry…. Can replace heavy flamer with onslaught gatling cannon, heavy onslaught gatling cannon with macro plasma incinerator and fragstorm grenade launchers with storm bolters.Heavy Onslaught gatling cannon: Heavy 12, S5, -1 1 damageMacro Plasma Incinerator: Heavy D6, S 8 (9), -4, 1 (2) damage. Débrief ici : ➡️ ⬅️, — Ultramarines 1987 (@ub87officiel) May 12, 2020. Si je mens, monsieur, mais bientôt mon actionnaire, il va me mettre une balle dans la tête et bientôt quand je vais aller essayer de trouver un boulot, il va rien se passer. > Grapnel Launcher: When models with grapnel launchers move do not count any vertical distance they move against the total they can move that turn. The only way I've run Crisis and been particularly happy with is using Flamers, but admittedly I haven't been using them with Stealth Suits to do Homing Beacon shenanigans. Que tu le veuilles ou non, c’est un caillou dans la chaussure ». Accueil / Ligue 1 / Girondins Leaks : les Ultramarines répondent à Frédéric Longuépée Par Kevin Saccani Publié le 18/05/2020 16:18 They aren't precise numbers. If you do so you can add 1 to the wound rolls and damage for all the Predator’s attacks that target Monsters or Vehicles this phase. Chaos Marines: 51 (was 90) Since i play hands, these guy are a bit mor resilient. Ultramarines Codex Discipline: Add 1 to Leadership for all Ultramarine Models with this tactic. I just think your being a bit overwrought at the moment. I've not seen any real evidence that the Primaris units are even competitive on the tabletop. Furthermore, the bearer can re-roll failed charge rolls. The current models are one of the newest releases in the Tau lineup. Instead of pulling a full AOS on 40k and saying "get lost" to their old players, they are pulling a full AOS and claim they don't. Deathwatch: 20 +1 to hit against flyers, -1 to hit against everything else.Onslaught gatling cannon: 24″, Heavy 6 S5, -1, 1 damageRedemptor fist is a dreadnought ccw that does D6 damage instead of 3. Non, vraiment, M. Longuépée, n’insistez pas.» Avant d'expliquer le pourquoi de leur démarche et de ces révélations : «nous sommes pleinement conscients des risques que nous avons pris en diffusant ces « leaks ». GW showed off quite a lot in that that Space Marine codex reveal video. >This model may replace its twin heavy bolter with twin lascannon, >This model may replace its heavy onslaught gatling cannon with a las-talon. Eldar, Harlequin: 8 Yacine Adli s’est exprimé sur sa marge de progression quant au fait de simplifier son jeu.... Eric Huet a donné son avis sur un éventuel intérêt pour Hatem Ben Arfa de venir... Sortie hier de la pelouse, évacuée du stade sur civière, Charlotte Bilbault va mieux. Là , c'était un Units with this tactic still Fall Back and shoot in the same turn they Fall Back, but if they do they must subtract 1 from their to hit rolls in the Shooting Phase. HellblastersWent down 4 power. They can fire all weapons twice if didn’t move on their turn (including overwatch). And I'd rather have the option to overcharge than not. GW showed off the new Space Marine Codex and Necron Codexes that are coming this October. Iron Hands The Flesh is Weak: Each time a unit loses a wound with this tactic roll a die on a 6 the damage is ignored and remove the wound. Add 1 against fly, -1 against non fly. Incorrect on the prototype limit, wording just says when you select a relic. Like 9 Combi-Plasma and a Plasma-Cap in a Caestus or a Crusader. And when you add the characters in, it just gets worse, since Marines have a LOT of different character types, and most of the other armies don't. **The Armor Indomitus:** The wearer of the Armor Indomitus has a Save characteristic of 2+ in addition once per battle before making use of the wearer’s saving throws, you can choose to activate the armour’s force-field. -The 2nd Company is now commanded by Captain Acheron since Cato Sicarius was sent away to be part of Guilliman's Victrix Guard. heavy stubbr with an Icraus rocket  pod, storm bolter, or fragstorm grenade lancher. You can make a single hit roll with this weapon, however if it hits, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds. >Icarus Skyshard(?) Note: I did not do counts for Deathguard, Thousand Sons, Renegade Knights, Imperial Knights, Legion of the Damned, Sisters of Silence, Adeptus Custodes, Astra Telepathica, or Offico Assassinorum. Units with this tactic can still charge in a turn in which they Fell Back. ), and in a lot of ways, they are Just Better. Masterful Marksmanship Stratagem: 1CP Use this Strategem when a Sternguard Veteran Squad is selected to attack in the Shooting Phase. If you have an Adeptus Astartes Warlord that did not move during the Moment phase. Cults have 6, not counting Guard units. Monkeys fling poo. If manifested, select a friendly **ADEPTUS ASTARTES** unit within 18″. **Linebreaker Boombardment** (1CP): Use this Strategem in your shooting phase if a vindicator is within 6″ of 2 other friendly Vindicators. But 7 CP seems good enough. Celui-ci concerne le football amateur. The Aurora Chapter is one of the many successor chapters of the Ultramarines produced during the second founding, they specialize in massed armored assaults and are reputed to have more Land Raiders and Predators than any other chapter in the Imperium. ), 3D(?). **Scions of Guilliman** (1CP): Use this Strategem when an Ultrasmurf Infantry or Ultrasmurf Biker unit is selected to attack in a Shooting or Fight phase. Imperial Fists: 100001. Grav-chutes give normal deep strike. Imperial Fists Siege Masters: Enemy units do not receive the benefit of cover from shooting attacks from units with this Tactic. Droppod 93 (was 103) -They then launch a vengeful campaign against the Red Corsairs, attacking and boarding a major Space Station siezed by Huron Blackheart. Those are VERY rough numbers, from a quick look at the webstore. Pour renforcer la vitalité économique du football néo-aquitain, il faut qu’on déclenche des réflexes dans la tête des dirigeants du football. A long time ago I thought that instead of the writters who created that hellish satire of Flash Gordon and Dune were all gone and replaced by a new generation who never got that. Sergeant can swap bolt pistol for plasma pistol.Assault Plasma Incinerators: 24″, assault 2 S6 (7), -4, 1 (2) damage. Yes, the 'big' factions have more units, but 14 units is easily in the same range as about half of the available factions (Yes, Deathwatch and Harliequins are forces in their own right. AP -4(? I fixed the worst of the leak’s spelling because it was doing my head in. Là, je parle pour vous, c’est votre intérêt qu’on va défendre. Beaucoup en prennent pour leur grade, avec par exemple l'UNFP. Svp prouvez que vous êtes un humain en sélectionnant L'Avion. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site web. Blood Angels: 58 You can set p the unit in the shadows instead of placing it on the battlefield. Moi, j’ai parlé avec les gens du club, peut-être que c’est …. On ne va pas être salis … On va pas laisser le club être sali plus longtemps, par 10 ou 15 personnes, quoi ! Taken purely on their own merits, I would rather have a Crisis than an Inceptor every time. With the new faq clarifying that all models have a CCW, I'm slightly tempted to just go full-retard and make a trio of bodyguards with no guns, an ATS on each, and one guy holding a DC for the drones dropping in with them. If you do so the Vindicators cannot fire their demolisher cannons this phase. Yeah, Sternguard are my go to shooty unit atm. Adeptus Ministorum: 22 Yeah but what is the point? C’est ce que j’expliquais aux journalistes un jour … « Putain, on a vendu un truc, parfois 3 000 euros à un club, c’est-à-dire que le club, il a un gros niveau d’exigence sur nous. Except that as you mentioned, they changed the speeder and whirlwind costs. They are clearly better than crisis suits. J’ai une énorme marge de progression sur ça”, Pierre-Yves André : “Bordeaux, ce serait vraiment un club pour Hatem Ben Arfa”, Charlotte Bilbault va bien et réintégrera l’équipe demain, Le planning des entrainements de la semaine, Patrick Vieira : “On avait décidé d’aller les chercher haut, de les empêcher de ressortir le ballon proprement”, [J5] Toma Basic et Laurent Koscielny tops pour l’Equipe alors que Josh Maja et Yacine Adli figurent dans les flops, Jean-Louis Gasset : “Je savais en arrivant ici, ce serait l’animation offensive le plus difficile. Yacine Adli : “A Lens la semaine dernière, je fais cette erreur qui coûte un carton rouge et un pénalty. Arbor the Witch Stratagem: 1CP See Below Image from Community Page. >Auto Launchers: Instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use its auto launchers; until your next Shooting phase your opponents subtract 1 from all hit rolls ranged weapons that target this vehicle. If a model has the Stand of the Emperor Ascent, you can add 1 to the dice roll made to see if a friendly models within 6″ of the banner can summon the strength to make one final attack when slain. Objectivement, ce qu’on a mesuré en ayant tout le monde au téléphone, c’est ce qui est présenté comme étant un élan populaire de fond, ça concerne une quinzaine de personnes, pas plus, hein ! On the fluff though I'm so very much with you. I think the **Mantle of the Stormseer** says: White Scars only. Mk X Gravis armor counts as 2. Space Wolves: 70 « Bien-sûr que c’est un caillou dans la chaussure, mais faut qu’on fasse avec. / Girondins4Ever est un site de fan des Girondins de Bordeaux non officiel, qui existe sur la toile depuis 2004, ayant vocation à rassembler les fans du club de foot du FCGB. GW released an FAQ today that you don't count Flyers when determining whether you have any models left for tabling purposes, so while the Stormraven is pretty silly still you can't bring nothing but Stormravens. Champion of Humanity: +1 to hit and wound when Warlord of targets another character in the Fight phase. Can’t make out the rest. Astra Militarium: 41 No Jump packs. Only the Salamanders can pull of setting a Bloodthirster on fire. Ils sont sortis, et là, il y en a un qui s’est retourné pour finir et qui a dit : « Tu as 15 jours pour dégager d’ici, sinon on te fait la peau. Liverpool creuse l'écart par sa nouvelle recrue Diogo Jota ! But we'll use your metric of 7 and ingoring characters. They can also go into reserve and arrive more then 9″ from the enemy and within 6″ of any table edge. As they fight they discover that the enemy is managing to put more soldiers on the field faster than they can kill them. Turn around time on printing is getting shorter all the time, and it really comes down to how sooon they realized SRs were going to be a problem. Yeah, I saw that. Un forum est également disponible. Adding…, Huh, Promising Pupil isn't barred from Named Characters (And it's weirdly Sept Locked... To what Sept who knows? This supplemental force of Primaris Marines has a unit count comparable to major factions, and more so than a number of them. The wearer increases Toughness by 1. or 80??? -The Iron Hands discover a possible pathway through the Great Rift, back to the other side of the Imperium that is guarded by the forces of Chaos and several renegade warbands. Sternguard seem better than all primaris types at their own jobs except reivers and inceptors. D3  additional attacks with this weapon. >Relentless Advance: Models in this unit do no suffer penalty to their rolls for advancing and firing Assault Weapons. They're more like aspect warriors. Deuxième partie des Leaks Ultramarines ce matin, avec des propos cette fois de Frédéric Longuépée. Thunderfire Cannon 26/55? I don't think I'd call Primaris trash. For the best viewing experience, as well as events we recommend using old reddit version -, Press J to jump to the feed.

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