Das Finanzmanagement der Universität beruhte auf veralteten Systemen, die eine schnelle elektronische Überweisung zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht ermöglichten. Please contact the appropriate Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's office for detailed information on yearly tuitions which apply to your specific situation and study interest; the above uniRank Tuition Range Matrix™ is indicative only and may not be up-to-date or complete. Seit der Belebung des Bergbaus in der Katanga-Region ab 2000 konnte sich die internationale wissenschaftliche Kooperation wieder verbessern. By visiting uniRank, you accept our terms, privacy and cookie policy, It includes undergraduate certificates, diplomas, foundation or associate degrees that usually take less than 2 years to complete, It includes undergraduate bachelor degrees that usually take between 3 to 5 years to complete, It includes postgraduate master degrees that usually take between 1 to 3 years to complete, It includes postgraduate doctorate degrees that usually take over 4 years to complete, search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's courses and programs with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's tuition fees with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's admission policy with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's facilities and services with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's accreditations with the uniRank Search Engine, search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's faculties or academic divisions with the uniRank Search Engine, Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's Facebook page, Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's Twitter webpage, Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's YouTube or Vimeo channel, search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's online or distance education courses with the uniRank Search Engine, Universities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Education. [8], In der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2019 kam es zu Streikaktionen aus dem Kreise des in der Association du corps académique et scientifique de l'Université de Lubumbashi (ACASUL) organisierten Hochschulpersonals. La faculté de droit est l’une de 10 facultés que contient l’université de Lubumbashi. This University profile has been officially reviewed and updated by Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's representatives. [4], Anfang 2017 äußerten Studenten öffentlich ihr Unverständnis darüber, dass ihnen keine Möglichkeit zur zügigen Begleichung der Studiengebühren zur Verfügung stand. April 2017 kam es zwischen einer Delegation der Universität Lüttich, belgischen Wirtschaftsvertretern und konsularischen Repräsentanten sowie der Universitätsleitung der UNILU in Lubumbashi zu einem Arbeitstreffen, in dessen Verlauf die Revitalisierung der universitären Zusammenarbeit in Hinblick auf künftige Projekte beraten wurde. ©IFPRI’s 2020 COPYRIGHT AND FAIR USE Université de Lubumbashi Faculté de Médecine. Head Count Researchers. Ministries of Higher Education) that have the legal authority to officially accredit, charter, license or, more generally, recognize Université Protestante de Lubumbashi as a whole (Institutional Accreditation or Recognition) or its specific programs/courses (Programmatic Accreditation). Um 1990 befand sich auch die Personalstruktur durch eine schlechte Vergütung in einer unvorteilhaften Situation. Université de Lubumbashi. Higher Education / Enseignement supérieur. This University offers courses in at least one of the following subjects: Tip: search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's courses and programs with the uniRank Search Engine. auf herbeizuführende Wahlen in den Gremien. Université de Lubumbashi | 90 followers on LinkedIn | Dr Pierre Félix KANDOLO Professeur de droit international et de méthodologie de recherche, Faculté de droit, Université de Likasi A la création de l’Université Lovanium en 1956, la Faculté des Lettres figure parmi les autres facultés créées à cette époque jusqu’au jour où, à la réforme de 1971 créant l’Université Nationale du Zaïre (UNAZA), intervenue à la suite des événements des étudiants de 1971, est transférée au Campus universitaire de Lubumbashi. Officially recognized by the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire, République Démocratique du Congo (Ministry of Higher and University Education of the Democratic Republic of the Congo), Université Protestante de Lubumbashi (UPL) is a very small (uniRank enrollment range: 1,000-1,999 students) coeducational Congolese higher education institution formally affiliated with the Christian-Protestant religion. Sie befindet sich in Lubumbashi, dem ehemaligen Elisabethville oder Elisabethstad. Aug 2011 – Present 9 years. Tip: search for Université Protestante de Lubumbashi's tuition fees with the uniRank Search Engine. Important: please contact or visit the official website of Université Protestante de Lubumbashi for detailed information on facilities and services provided, including the type of scholarships and other financial aids offered to local or international students; the information above is indicative only and may not be complete or up-to-date. Country. UPL also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including sports facilities, financial aids and/or scholarships, as well as administrative services.